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Industry updates and insights

From HeatSpring, leading online learning platform on solar, heat pumps, building science, energy storage and more.

NABCEP PVIP Training and Exam Approved for U.S. Army Credentialing Assistance Program

HeatSpring has recently been accepted as an approved training provider by the ArmyIgnited Credentialing Assistance Program. Soldiers may apply for funding to complete our 58-Hour NABCEP Advanced PV Certification Training Series as well as for all NABCEP application and examContinue reading “NABCEP PVIP Training and Exam Approved for U.S. Army Credentialing Assistance Program”

Duncan Miller Duncan Miller

DroneDeploy + HeatSpring

The world’s most popular drone data platform is teaming up with HeatSpring to get more solar installers using drones. The new free course “How Drone Data Helps Solar Companies” is designed to help growing solar companies understand how other solarContinue reading “DroneDeploy + HeatSpring”

Brian Hayden Brian Hayden

New Standards Aim to Ensure Storage is Safe But Fail to Distinguish Among Battery Chemistries

A lithium-ion battery in a container near Phoenix owned by Arizona Public Service (APS) caught fire in April 2019, then other batteries in the container caught fire, releasing explosive gas and sparking an explosion that hurt several first responders. SuchContinue reading “New Standards Aim to Ensure Storage is Safe But Fail to Distinguish Among Battery Chemistries”

Lisa Cohn Lisa Cohn

Utility Distribution Systems & Equipment: A Grid Professional’s Masterclass

“Utility Distribution Systems & Equipment” is a new masterclass developed in partnership with Distributech, POWERGRID, and Utilicast. Instructor Tim Taylor developed the course to help utility and and distributed energy professionals level-up in their careers. Here’s a week-by-week breakdown ofContinue reading “Utility Distribution Systems & Equipment: A Grid Professional’s Masterclass”

Brian Hayden Brian Hayden

New Solar + Drones Course – Managing Lighting, Exposure, and Glare in Your Imagery

Creating awesome drone-based 3D models (i.e. photogrammetry) relies on images having similar key points and coloring. This is particularly crucial for accurately designing and analyzing solar projects. A foundational component of this is capturing data with good “exposure”. Join usContinue reading “New Solar + Drones Course – Managing Lighting, Exposure, and Glare in Your Imagery”

Brian Hayden Brian Hayden