Enrollment is way up at HeatSpring, but if we’re going to train millions of people for clean energy jobs, we’ve got to keep getting better. This is a series of articles, papers, and free courses to help learners, instructors, training leaders, and educators level-up their game.

Utility-Scale Solar PV Fundamentals course is now free for HeatSpring members

We need more leadership talent on utility-scale solar PV projects so starting today, for a limited time, Utility-Scale Solar PV Fundamentals is free for HeatSpring members. Membership is super cheap and it’s a great way to develop a learning habit.

Andy Nyce built the Utility-Scale Solar Essentials program to help his friends and colleagues level-up. It’s […]

An Incubator for Home Performance Contractors

“Boosting Contractor Capacity to Meet Home Performance Demand” is a live webinar that will happen on Wednesday August 14th @ 1pm eastern (USA). The edited presentation will then be available here as a free course.

We are going to present a new model for building contractor capacity: a Home Performance Incubation Program. No matter your role or background […]

Celebrating Top Solar Companies: Signature Solar

As the solar industry continues to grow at a jaw dropping pace, companies are faced with the challenge of scaling up a skilled workforce to meet the increasing demand. Signature Solar, along with their sister company EG4, has taken a proactive approach to this challenge by investing heavily in learning and development programs for their […]

A Look at Solar Jobs in the United States

Did you know that clean energy is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the U.S. economy? 

According to E2 Clean Jobs America, 3.3 million Americans working in various different roles around clean energy now account for more than 3 percent of all new jobs added every year in the U.S., creating more positions in more roles […]

June 14th, 2024|Categories: Free Courses, Solar, Solar Business Growth, Solar miscellaneous, Workforce Learning & Development||

Around the Solar World in 80 Days

A journey into the heart of the growing clean energy sector and what we learned while we were there

It’s no secret that the solar industry is facing an unprecedented time in our evolution. The opportunities have never been greater, and at the same time we face new and perplexing challenges on the regulatory and other […]