There are two major steps involved in the interconnection process: applying for interconnection and receiving permission to operate (PTO).

What’s happening with solar in CA and why it matters everywhere? An interview with the California Solar + Storage Association

HeatSpring sat down with Carter Lavin, Director of Membership at the California Solar and Storage Association, to discuss the proposed changes to net metering policy in the California and what that means for states across the country.

Brit: Thanks for joining us, Carter! Can you tell us a bit about yourself and where you work?

Carter: Sure, […]

Overcurrent Protection and the 25-Foot Feeder Tap Rule

Sean White gave an NEC training at this year’s ASES Convention. Video from that presentation is included in our updated free course, “Introduction to Solar PV Design, Installation and Code”. But there was some content that was too advanced for an intro class, so we cut it and here’s one example of that.

Below is a […]

How Do We Get From 4% to 45%?

Today the Biden administration released a plan to increase the amount of solar energy produced from 4% of total generation (where it is today) to 45% by 2050. That represents a lot of growth for the solar industry.

What will that growth look like? Who are the key players needed to unlock that growth? What firms […]

Why Learn About Electric Utility Distribution Equipment?

Hi, my name is Tim Taylor and I have a course called “A Virtual Tour of Electric Utility Distribution Equipment”. I’ve been getting the question: “why do you have this course?”. It’s really to answer a lot of questions that people have when they begin to interact with utilities in a professional setting for the […]

August 25th, 2021|Categories: Electrical Distribution, Energy Storage, Solar Utility Interconnection, Utilities||

Electric Vehicle Charging

Available charging options are a key factor that will drive future sales of electric vehicles. For folks involved in distribution system planning and engineering, there are a number of concerns related to Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). These include:

Peak demand (kW or MW)LocationLoad profiles of the EVSE (load vs. time)

While there’s not a […]