There are two major steps involved in the interconnection process: applying for interconnection and receiving permission to operate (PTO).

Standards for Distributed Energy Resources Interconnecting to Utility Systems

Interconnection standards for Distributed Energy Resources (DER) connecting to utility transmission and distribution systems have evolved and will continue to change in the coming decades.  DER includes inverter-based resources (IBR), such as solar PV, battery energy storage, and vehicle-to-grid (V2G), but also synchronous machine-based generation and other types of generation.

For people involved in DER interconnection […]

New Course: Understanding IEEE 1547-2018 – The Interconnection Standard for DER on Distribution

HeatSpring is pleased to announce a new course focusing on IEEE 1547-2018, the interconnection standard for Distributed Energy Resources (DER) on utility distribution systems.  Understanding IEEE 1547-2018 – The Interconnection Standard for DER on Distribution, will launch in February 2023, and you can now sign up, in advance, for the course on HeatSpring.  

IEEE 1547-2018, IEEE […]

Looking at North Carolina Outages and Distributed Energy Resources

An incident occurred in central North Carolina on the evening of December 3, 2022, about 45 minutes from where I live, in which equipment in two substations was made inoperable by gunfire.  The result was approximately 40,000 customers without power.  As of the morning of December 6, the outage map of Duke Energy, which serves […]

Project Managers & Interconnection Specialists Needed to Build 437GW of New Utility-Scale Solar

Wood Mackenzie projects the U.S. utility-scale PV market will add 437 GW between 2022 and 2032. That’s 43,700 MW every year for ten years. It’s a staggering number and no solar company has the people they need to deliver at that scale.

I’m no genius, but I feel confident predicting that utility-scale solar project & […]

New Interconnection Standard for Energy Storage and Distribution – IEEE 1547.9

The development and publishing of interconnection standards and guides to facilitate the large numbers of grid-connected DER (Distributed Energy Resources) to utility systems in the coming years continues, with a new guide focused on energy storage.

On August 5 of 2022, IEEE published IEEE 1547.9-2022, “IEEE Guide for Using IEEE Std 1547™ for Interconnection of Energy […]

October 11th, 2022|Categories: Solar, Solar Utility Interconnection, Utilities, Utility-Scale Solar||