What are “the BIG four” in electrification?

Oftentimes adding solar PV to a home is just the tip of the spear into whole-home electrification. Once homeowners begin generating their own electricity, they’ll want to maximize their system production by using or storing as much energy onsite as possible, especially if they’re located in an area that doesn’t offer true net metering. 

With so […]

The Basics of Home Electrification

In 2020, 26% of U.S. households used electricity as the only source of energy (32.25 million out of 123.53 million homes), according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

With new incentives for electrification and renewable energy in the Inflation Reduction Act to help households save thousands of dollars in upfront costs, the trend of home and […]

The Factors that Establish You – the Sales Person – as a Trusted Authority

You’re sitting down with a homeowner who is considering going solar. They have questions, concerns, and are looking for guidance. In this scenario, how can you establish yourself as the go-to expert and someone they can trust wholeheartedly?

It all boils down to two crucial elements: trustworthiness and expertise. These factors are the building blocks of […]

May 17th, 2023|Categories: Solar, Solar Business Growth, Solar miscellaneous, Solar Sales & Marketing||

Learning & Development Leaders are the Unsung Heroes of Solar

How can the solar industry fill 900,000 new jobs over the next twelve years?*

Without learning and development (L&D) leadership, we can’t. Learning and development leaders help us build successful and rewarding careers. They do the hard work required to recruit, onboard, and retain your teammates. If you work with a great L&D leader, give them […]

May 16th, 2023|Categories: Learning & Development, Our Company, Solar Business Growth, Women in Solar Energy||

Celebrating Top Solar Companies: A Conversation with Arevon 

The United States had 73.5 GW of utility scale solar capacity as of January 2023, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA). If everything continues as planned, it will be the first year that more than half of the U.S. generating capacity additions are solar. With so much growth in utility scale solar, we love […]