What Are You Allowed to Have in a NABCEP Certification Exam?

Feeling nervous to take a big exam is totally normal. Being well prepared can help to minimize the pre-exam jitters. In this blog post, we’re going to cover what you need to know about what you can have in your NABCEP certification exam.

Ways to Take NABCEP Exams

Candidates can take NABCEP certifications exams in two ways: […]

April 22nd, 2024|Categories: Certification, NABCEP, Solar, Solar miscellaneous||

The Four Categories to Qualify for the Low Income Community Bonus Adder

The Low Income Community Bonus Adder provision in the Inflation Reduction Act is different from all the other bonus adders and the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) itself, because it is an allocated credit. That means there is a limited number available. 

There is a cap of 1.8 gigawatts annually that will be allocated, or awarded, to […]

What Are Demand Charges for Commercial Customers?

It’s often a natural career progression within solar sales to begin in residential solar and then progress to working with more commercial customers. The reason being is the sales cycle for commercial clients tends to be much more complex than working with homeowners. There are more decision makers. The additional stakeholders can make the approval […]

April 16th, 2024|Categories: Solar, Solar Finance, Solar miscellaneous, Solar Sales & Marketing||

Understanding Utility Scale Solar Construction Drawings – Free for HeatSpring Members

We need more talented leaders for utility-scale solar construction projects – so starting today, for a limited time, “Understanding Utility-Scale Solar Construction Drawings” is free for HeatSpring Members.

The course was developed by Andy Nyce. Andy began teaching because he needed to create a pipeline of leaders for his own solar projects. He loves helping hard-working […]

What are the Types of Manufacturer Warranties?

Product Warranties. Performance warranties. Labor and installation support warranties. There’s a lot to compare when evaluating solar components for your projects. 

When home or business owners choose to invest in a solar energy system, the warranties provided by the manufacturers are often crucial considerations from their perspective as well. Solar product warranties protect your customers’ investments […]