What Makes Someone a Qualified Person?

Here at HeatSpring, we get a lot of questions that are along the lines of… “what course can I take to make me qualified?” To that we answer, there’s no quick fix or single course that can make you qualified (although, we do have several courses to help you get part of the way there).

In […]

June 3rd, 2024|Categories: Q+A, Safety, Solar, Solar Design & Installation, Solar miscellaneous||

Solar Job Highlight: Founder at Agrivoltaics Project Development Firm

Meet Savannah Whitfield. She is the COO and Co-Founder of Okovate Sustainable Energy. They’re on a mission to make community solar deployment more sustainable through agrivoltaics and dual-use habitat development. Okovate recognizes the challenges faced by farmers in today’s economic landscape. Savannah sees agrivoltaics as a powerful solution that not only increases solar deployment but […]

May 10th, 2024|Categories: Agrivoltaics, Free Courses, Q+A, Solar, Solar miscellaneous||

1 NABCEP CEU – New Free Webinar – Selling Solar-Driven Home Electrification in a Virtual World

In today’s rapidly evolving market, online selling has become indispensable. Gone are the days where brick-and-mortar stores were the primary hubs for shopping. The post-pandemic digital age has ushered in a new era of convenience, accessibility, and efficiency, compelling all types of businesses to establish a robust online presence. 

With the advent of e-commerce platforms, customers […]

December 12th, 2023|Categories: Free Courses, Heat Pumps, NABCEP, Q+A, Solar, Solar Business Growth, Solar miscellaneous, Solar Sales & Marketing||

Pathways to Solar: Jan’s Journey to Leading Installs

Employment of solar photovoltaic installers is projected to grow 22 percent from 2022 to 2032, much faster than the average for all occupations, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statics. To meet this surge in demand, the industry will need to attract and retain many more solar installers and electricians. 

In this short interview excerpt, […]

October 30th, 2023|Categories: Free Courses, Q+A, Solar, Solar Design & Installation, Solar miscellaneous, Women in Solar Energy||

Strategies to Succeed in Clean Energy Business Development

With the clean energy deployment moving faster than ever, relatively new companies as well as new solar professionals are coming in droves to support the transition. 

With each new solar system on the grid, technicians and system owners must be able to monitor and control the solar assets. That’s where Wattch, a relatively new software as […]