Geothermal Heat Pumps

Ground source heat pumps are one of the smartest way to heat and cool a building. They can reduce HVAC costs from 50% to 80%. It is a proven technology that has been around for decades.

Amazing Resources and Courses

Advanced Training

LoopLink PRO Now Included with IGSHPA Geothermal Design Course

Top designers of commercial geothermal systems at some point become IGSHPA Certified GeoExchange Designers (CGD). The CGD course has always included video instruction and support from the author of the IGSHPA design manual, tools, exercises, and exam fees. Starting  in the summer of 2015, the course now includes full access to LoopLink PRO – next […]

July 2nd, 2015|Categories: Geothermal Heat Pumps, HVAC Design, Mechanical Engineering||

How to Take the IGSHPA Geothermal Certification Exam

This is a short video explaining how the IGSHPA Geothermal Installer Certification exam works. The process has changed significantly in the past year – for the better – and we’re excited about how easy it is for students to take the exam now. Highlights include:

You can take the exam on your own computer
You can take […]

Online IGSHPA Geothermal Certification Course Now Available

Between 2007 and 2011, we helped certify several thousand geothermal installers at 3-day workshops around the country. Oil and gas were expensive, and the industry was going through a big growth spurt. Over the past several years that growth has disappeared, and so did our classroom workshops.

Recently we’ve started getting calls about geothermal training again. […]

February 24th, 2015|Categories: Certification, Geothermal Heat Pumps||

John Siegenthaler Reviews Heat Pumps

In the article below, John Siegenthaler, Principal of Appropriate Designs, explains how air-to-water heat pumps offer new opportunities for hydronic pros. At the end of the article, John runs the numbers to answer the question: “How does the performance of an air-to-water heat pump compare to that of a geothermal heat pump?”  John teaches two […]

Success Begets Success: Why Your Trip to Ball State’s GeoCon is a Great Investment in the Future of Your Business

I’m not a fisherman, but I have plenty of stories about the one that got away. Big, fantastic opportunities don’t come along frequently, so they tend to catch us off guard.  Ball State is the one that didn’t get away. 3,600 bore holes, $88 million spent, 8% ROI, 2,300 new jobs created, $2 million reduction […]