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From HeatSpring, leading online learning platform on solar, heat pumps, building science, energy storage and more.

Filling the Solar Worker Gap with Flexible, Employee-Friendly Training Programs

To address climate change, local governments are moving toward electrification, embracing solar energy, heat pumps, energy storage and electric vehicles. But there aren’t enough people to fill the positions needed to transition to electrification. In addition, solar and other renewableContinue reading “Filling the Solar Worker Gap with Flexible, Employee-Friendly Training Programs”

Lisa Cohn Lisa Cohn

Electric Vehicle Charging

Available charging options are a key factor that will drive future sales of electric vehicles. For folks involved in distribution system planning and engineering, there are a number of concerns related to Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). These include: PeakContinue reading “Electric Vehicle Charging”

Tim Taylor Tim Taylor