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Learning & Development

AI tools in practice

In my recent experience developing content for the Healthy Home Evaluator certification course, I’ve gained some insights into the practical applications and limitations of AI tools in professional workflows. Over the course of three months, I built a three-hour courseContinue reading “AI tools in practice”

Brick Maier Brick Maier

A Chance to Earn $1000 and Tell Your Story of the Impact of Education – HeatSpring’s Stay Curious Campaign

We’re looking for individuals in the clean energy sector to share their personal experiences of how education has transformed their careers and impacted their communities.  HeatSpring’s new Stay Curious campaign recognizes the value of continuous learning in the clean energyContinue reading “A Chance to Earn $1000 and Tell Your Story of the Impact of Education – HeatSpring’s Stay Curious Campaign”

Brit Heller Brit Heller

Meeting the Demands of the Solar Plus Era: Why Shaw Solar is Launching their Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Electrical Apprenticeship Program

Based in Durango, Colorado, Shaw Solar can be described as a big fish in a small pond. Opening their doors back in 2006, they initially worked on residential and small commercial solar thermal and PV and some lead-acid battery storage.Continue reading “Meeting the Demands of the Solar Plus Era: Why Shaw Solar is Launching their Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Electrical Apprenticeship Program”

Brit Heller Brit Heller