Health & Well-Being through Architecture, Building Science & HVAC Design Playing with Fire: Homeostasis and Alliesthesia Considerations in Architecture, Building Science and HVAC Design Copyright © Robert Bean, R.E.T., P.L.(Eng.) for HeatSpring Most people employed in the world of architecture, building science and HVAC understand the need for spaces which are… Continue reading “Health & Well-Being through Architecture, Building Science & HVAC Design”
HeatSpring’s Leaders in High Performance Building Giveaway! At HeatSpring, we celebrate innovative builders and designers who work to improve the overall quality and performance of public and residential buildings… Our Leaders in High Performance Building Giveaway was created for those who have helped plan, design, construct, and/or operate a high performance building. Entrants… Continue reading “HeatSpring’s Leaders in High Performance Building Giveaway!”
Free Hydronics Design Software from John Siegenthaler The Hydronics Design Studio Professional version is a set of powerful software tools to assist heating professional in designing high performance hydronic heating systems. It represents the state-of-the-art in computer-assisted design for modern hydronic heating systems. Powerful engineering simulation and… Continue reading “Free Hydronics Design Software from John Siegenthaler”
FREE TOOL: Online Ventilation Sizing & Commissioning Tools Download Rick Karg’s Toolbox of Online Ventilation Sizing and Commissioning Tools for FREE. These free online tools will allow architects, engineers, ventilation designers and installers to size ASHRAE 62.22013 ventilation, determine the flow rate of existing ventilation equipment, determine the electrical… Continue reading “FREE TOOL: Online Ventilation Sizing & Commissioning Tools”
Free Lecture: Multiple Mod-con Boiler Concepts In this new free lecture, Roy Collver, President, OTBC Inc, examines important details you should know when combining two or more boilers into a single heating plant. He covers applications from large residential, up to bigger commercial and institutional systems. Enroll… Continue reading “Free Lecture: Multiple Mod-con Boiler Concepts”
2-Pipe Versus 4-Pipe Buffer Tank Configurations In the following article, HeatSpring instructor John Siegenthaler discusses 2-Pipe Verses 4-Pipe Buffer Tank Configurations. Read on to learn more about… The importance of a properly sized buffer tank for both wood gasification boilers and boilers fueled by pellets/wood chips The primary differences… Continue reading “2-Pipe Versus 4-Pipe Buffer Tank Configurations”
Free Antifreeze Volume Calculator for Geothermal Loopfields Ryan Carda, P.E. is the author of the International Ground Source Heat Pump’s official design and installation guide. Carda’s Antifreeze Volume Calculator for Geothermal Loopfields free tool is used in his Entry Level Geothermal Professional Certificate Training. Here’s what the tool looks like: Uses:… Continue reading “Free Antifreeze Volume Calculator for Geothermal Loopfields”
New Free Lecture: Commercial Geothermal Design In this two hour free lecture, Dr. Charles Remund, author of the IGSHPA Design Manual, walks you through the calculations for designing the ground heat exchanger for a commercial geothermal system. To download a copy of the slides, discuss the… Continue reading “New Free Lecture: Commercial Geothermal Design”
LoopLink PRO Now Included with IGSHPA Geothermal Design Course Top designers of commercial geothermal systems at some point become IGSHPA Certified GeoExchange Designers (CGD). The CGD course has always included video instruction and support from the author of the IGSHPA design manual, tools, exercises, and exam fees. Starting in… Continue reading “LoopLink PRO Now Included with IGSHPA Geothermal Design Course”
Using Solar to Heat – Net Metering Makes a Difference In the article below, Vaughan Woodruff, Expert Instructor, Solar Approaches to Radiant Heating, outlines a response to a student who recently asked a question regarding the use of solar electricity for heating and how advances in battery storage might impact the suitability of using… Continue reading “Using Solar to Heat – Net Metering Makes a Difference”
Five Questions about Hydronic Heat Sources On the Mastering Hydronic System Design Course discussion board with expert instructor John Siegenthaler… Takeaways: Although closely spaced tees are great for hydraulic separation, a modern hydraulic separator provides air and dirt separation in addition to hydraulic separation. When considering whether to use… Continue reading “Five Questions about Hydronic Heat Sources”
Home Performance Coalition, Home Energy Magazine, and Rick Karg Tackle ASHRAE 62.2 This week we launched a new course, “ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation for Single-Family Dwellings”, for Fall 2015. To understand why this course is special, you need to meet the A+ team. Rick Karg has been on the ASRAE 62.2 committee since… Continue reading “Home Performance Coalition, Home Energy Magazine, and Rick Karg Tackle ASHRAE 62.2”
How to Take the IGSHPA Geothermal Certification Exam This is a short video explaining how the IGSHPA Geothermal Installer Certification exam works. The process has changed significantly in the past year – for the better – and we’re excited about how easy it is for students to take… Continue reading “How to Take the IGSHPA Geothermal Certification Exam”
The #1 Online Resource for Heating Questions: Looking for an answer to all of your heating questions? Ask Dan Holohan. He’s the founder of the #1 online resource for heating questions: If Dan doesn’t know the answer, “The Wall” will (read below to learn more). I don’t… Continue reading “The #1 Online Resource for Heating Questions:”
Online IGSHPA Geothermal Certification Course Now Available Between 2007 and 2011, we helped certify several thousand geothermal installers at 3-day workshops around the country. Oil and gas were expensive, and the industry was going through a big growth spurt. Over the past several years that growth has… Continue reading “Online IGSHPA Geothermal Certification Course Now Available”
Hydronic Air Handlers + Condensing Boilers = Greater System Efficiency The article below is a guest post from Roy Collver, President, OTBC Inc. Roy teaches Condensing Boilers in Hydronic Systems, a 6-week course where students optimize system designs and control strategies to take full advantage of the energy savings and comfort benefits boilers have to… Continue reading “Hydronic Air Handlers + Condensing Boilers = Greater System Efficiency”
[Free Tool] Siegenthaler’s ‘Hydronics Design Studio 2.0’ Demo We created the Hydronics Design Studio (HDS) to assist heating professionals in designing high performance hydronic heating systems. It represents the state-of-the-art in computer-assisted design for modern hydronic heating systems. Thousands of professionals use the HDS, but if you’re not yet familiar with… Continue reading “[Free Tool] Siegenthaler’s ‘Hydronics Design Studio 2.0’ Demo”
John Siegenthaler Reviews Heat Pumps In the article below, John Siegenthaler, Principal of Appropriate Designs, explains how air-to-water heat pumps offer new opportunities for hydronic pros. At the end of the article, John runs the numbers to answer the question: “How does the performance of… Continue reading “John Siegenthaler Reviews Heat Pumps”
[Free Tool] How to Calculate Boiler Efficiency Gains Roy Collver’s “Condensing Boilers in Hydronic Systems” is the most underutilized course we offer (OK, tied with Robert Bean’s HVAC Engineering). Roy has built this exhaustive educational experience that only a handful of folks have benefited from so far. We hope… Continue reading “[Free Tool] How to Calculate Boiler Efficiency Gains”
Heating with Biomass: It’s Not Just About the Boiler… This article is a guest post by John Siegenthaler, Principal at Appropriate Designs and expert instructor with HeatSpring. John’s 10-week online course, Hydronic-Based Biomass Heating Systems, teaches engineers, heating contractors, and installers how to design and install highly-efficient biomass heating systems.… Continue reading “Heating with Biomass: It’s Not Just About the Boiler…”