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Geothermal Heat Pumps

Success Begets Success: Why Your Trip to Ball State’s GeoCon is a Great Investment in the Future of Your Business

I’m not a fisherman, but I have plenty of stories about the one that got away. Big, fantastic opportunities don’t come along frequently, so they tend to catch us off guard.  Ball State is the one that didn’t get away.Continue reading “Success Begets Success: Why Your Trip to Ball State’s GeoCon is a Great Investment in the Future of Your Business”

Brian Hayden Brian Hayden

Geothermal and Solar Installers: Get to Know Your Municipal Utility (It’s not a Waste of Time)

“Municipal utilities are more open to trying new things than investor-owned utilities.” This is the lesson I took away from my visit to the Wyandotte Municipal Services as part of a delegation from the Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association.  They’veContinue reading “Geothermal and Solar Installers: Get to Know Your Municipal Utility (It’s not a Waste of Time)”

Brian Hayden Brian Hayden

[Interview] Learnings from Ball State and the Largest Geothermal Project and What It means for Selling District Heating Geothermal

A few months ago, I heard about the largest geothermal heat pump installation was breaking ground at Ball State University. Clearly, this is amazing project that could change the whole industry. Also, I always noticed PR for huge solar PVContinue reading “[Interview] Learnings from Ball State and the Largest Geothermal Project and What It means for Selling District Heating Geothermal”

Chris Williams Chris Williams

Certified GeoExchange Desiger Certification – The CGD – What is it? Who needs it? How to get it?

Certified GeoExchange Designer Certification is the most prestigious credential that exists within the geothermal heat pump industry because few people have it.  It’s hard to get because you can’t sit for the exam without some combination of education and experienceContinue reading “Certified GeoExchange Desiger Certification – The CGD – What is it? Who needs it? How to get it?”

Brian Hayden Brian Hayden

“If you can’t install solar at $3.45/watt, you’re going out of business.” Straight Talk on Solar with Jigar Shah at NESEA 2012

Jigar Shah was my favorite presenter at this year’s Building Energy Conference.  Mr. Shah founded SunEdison in 2003 and sold it five years later for $200 million.  Here are some quotes he offered up in the “Energy Subsidies and theContinue reading ““If you can’t install solar at $3.45/watt, you’re going out of business.” Straight Talk on Solar with Jigar Shah at NESEA 2012″

Brian Hayden Brian Hayden