
The Net Zero Water Boot Camp is the curriculum associated with designing integrated water systems that work towards the goal of freeing a facility from the need to connect to the municipal water and wastewater system. Very few buildings around the world have accomplished this feat, yet it remains a critical component of moving towards greater resiliency, and is already a requirement under the Cascadia Green Building Council’s Living Building Challenge.

50% Discount for Advanced Greywater Design Course Ending Soon

Laura Allen, co-founder of Greywater Action, is launching an Advanced Greywater Design course on the HeatSpring platform this August. Initial students helping to launch this new, in-depth course will receive 50% off the course enrollment when they register before June 30th. Simply use the discount code “greywatersupporter” when enrolling. 

Students will learn how to tap into […]

June 13th, 2022|Categories: Nature-Based Solutions, Technology & Engineering, Water||

New Free Course: Introduction to Greywater Systems

For many, water scarcity is a fact of life. In fact, 51% of the United States was in drought as of March 2022. The Southwest is facing a particularly severe drought which began in 2000 and has continued ever since.  A recent study noted that the megadrought in the western United States is the driest […]

April 16th, 2022|Categories: Building Performance, Free Courses, Nature-Based Solutions, Sustainable Building, Water||

General Mills & The Whey to Sustainable Food Production

What is anaerobic digestion? How has General Mills’ Murfreesboro Plant leveraged it to save 25,000 gallons of diesel fuel, produce 1.6 megawatts of electricity and return 2,000 acres of farmland back to agricultural use? Sustainable Woman and Energy Engineer Leslie Marshall discusses.
Leslie, you’re the Energy Engineer at General Mills. What does a typical day entail for you?

As […]

Water in Sustainable Building: Distribution, Uses & “Zero Net” Strategies

In this free course, sustainable building expert Ann Edminster discusses the uses of water in sustainable building practices.
Enroll and learn about…
-The distribution of water on Earth
-How water gets to and leaves building sites
-How water is used on building sites
-Getting to “zero net” water with strategies, including:
Indoor efficiency, outdoor efficiency, storm water use, rainwater use, grey […]

Sustainable Brewing: A Small, Solar-Powered Company in the Business of Beer

Throwback Brewery: where great beer, solar and sustainable business practices collide. In 2010, co-Founders Annette Lee and Nicole Carrier opened their brewery in North Hampton, New Hampshire with the vision to create 100% locally-sourced beers, as well as to promote other aspects of sustainable business.
Almost six years later, they’ve created a thriving brewing community, a successful sustainable business, […]