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Solar Utility Interconnection

What is IEEE 1547-2018 and how is it relevant to utility scale solar projects? – Ask an Expert

In the Ask an Expert series, HeatSpring instructors and industry thought leaders answer a question on the minds of the HeatSpring community. We are joined by Tim Taylor, instructor of the Interconnection of Utility-Scale Solar to Distribution course. Tim discussesContinue reading “What is IEEE 1547-2018 and how is it relevant to utility scale solar projects? – Ask an Expert”

Brit Heller Brit Heller

Working in utility-scale solar? What you need to know about interconnection – Ask an Expert

In the Ask an Expert series, HeatSpring instructors and industry thought leaders answer a question on the minds of the HeatSpring community. We are joined by Tim Taylor, instructor of Interconnection of Utility-Scale Solar to Distribution, Introduction to Distribution Systems,Continue reading “Working in utility-scale solar? What you need to know about interconnection – Ask an Expert”

Brit Heller Brit Heller

Transmission and Distribution Interconnection Standards – Does Your Organization Know About Them?

Utility interconnection standards will be critical for increasing the connection of DER (Distributed Energy Resources), including solar PV, to distribution and transmission systems.  In the US, IEEE 1547-2018 is a predominant standard, accompanied by UL 1741 for testing, that governsContinue reading “Transmission and Distribution Interconnection Standards – Does Your Organization Know About Them?”

Tim Taylor Tim Taylor

The Importance of Commissioning and Testing on Utility Scale Projects

Utility scale solar projects are years in the making from inception to completion. The process typically includes land development, interconnection studies, environmental evaluations, securing financing, materials procurement, and construction. The final step before a system is fully operational is commissioningContinue reading “The Importance of Commissioning and Testing on Utility Scale Projects”

Brit Heller Brit Heller

What’s happening with solar in CA and why it matters everywhere? An interview with the California Solar + Storage Association

HeatSpring sat down with Carter Lavin, Director of Membership at the California Solar and Storage Association, to discuss the proposed changes to net metering policy in the California and what that means for states across the country. Brit: Thanks forContinue reading “What’s happening with solar in CA and why it matters everywhere? An interview with the California Solar + Storage Association”

Brit Heller Brit Heller

Electric Vehicle Charging

Available charging options are a key factor that will drive future sales of electric vehicles. For folks involved in distribution system planning and engineering, there are a number of concerns related to Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). These include: PeakContinue reading “Electric Vehicle Charging”

Tim Taylor Tim Taylor

Utility Distribution Systems & Equipment: A Grid Professional’s Masterclass

“Utility Distribution Systems & Equipment” is a new masterclass developed in partnership with Distributech, POWERGRID, and Utilicast. Instructor Tim Taylor developed the course to help utility and and distributed energy professionals level-up in their careers. Here’s a week-by-week breakdown ofContinue reading “Utility Distribution Systems & Equipment: A Grid Professional’s Masterclass”

Brian Hayden Brian Hayden