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Taking Your New Solar Company from $0 to $500k in Year One – Marketing Tips for Brand New Companies

There’s no shortage of challenges and opportunities when launching a brand new solar company.  Building a brand and reputation from scratch certainly can be one of the most daunting tasks for new business owners. Join Gustavo Arce as he sharesContinue reading “Taking Your New Solar Company from $0 to $500k in Year One – Marketing Tips for Brand New Companies”

Brit Heller Brit Heller

America Sucks at Selling Solar – Why U.S. Resi Solar Prices are 2x-3x Australian Prices

Before incentives and rebates, a typical 10kW residential solar system costs around $12,000 in Australia.  In the U.S., pre-incentives, the same system costs almost $30,000.   $18,000 difference.  $1.20W vs $3.00/W.  A $1.80/W problem, which I believe is almost entirelyContinue reading “America Sucks at Selling Solar – Why U.S. Resi Solar Prices are 2x-3x Australian Prices”

Taylor Jackson Taylor Jackson

How Salespeople Can Harness the Psychological Principle of Unity to Turn Problems into Opportunities to Connect

Is it possible to take something seemingly negative – like supply chain issues delaying your client’s solar and energy storage installation – to build more rapport with your clients? Can you transform problems into opportunities to connect on a deeperContinue reading “How Salespeople Can Harness the Psychological Principle of Unity to Turn Problems into Opportunities to Connect”

Brit Heller Brit Heller

Impacts of IEEE 1547 to Developers and Engineers Working on Distribution Interconnections

The latest revision of IEEE 1547TM-2018 – IEEE Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources with Associated Electric Power Interfaces turns five years old this year.  Many solar PV developers and engineers that are just entering the industryContinue reading “Impacts of IEEE 1547 to Developers and Engineers Working on Distribution Interconnections”

Tim Taylor Tim Taylor

Standards for Distributed Energy Resources Interconnecting to Utility Systems

Interconnection standards for Distributed Energy Resources (DER) connecting to utility transmission and distribution systems have evolved and will continue to change in the coming decades.  DER includes inverter-based resources (IBR), such as solar PV, battery energy storage, and vehicle-to-grid (V2G),Continue reading “Standards for Distributed Energy Resources Interconnecting to Utility Systems”

Tim Taylor Tim Taylor