New NABCEP Recertification Requirements Now In Effect NABCEP’s new recertification requirements totaling 30 hours of CEU credits and updated industry involvement requirements have officially taken effect. NABCEP updated their requirements on January 1, 2019 but allowed for a 12 month transition period which has now expired. Visit… Continue reading “New NABCEP Recertification Requirements Now In Effect”
Interested in Offering Energy Storage? Demand is High, Prices Dropping California’s recent public safety power shutoffs have sparked a sometimes desperate demand for batteries from utility customers who want backup power. That has helped lower battery prices, making them more affordable for homeowners and businesses, says Sean White, instructor for… Continue reading “Interested in Offering Energy Storage? Demand is High, Prices Dropping”
3 Step Tool: Find your NABCEP CEU Requirements and Training Hours Are you a NABCEP Certified professional? I am excited to introduce a new tool to help you sort through NABCEP’s new requirements for recertification continuing education (CEU hours), then see your course options to fulfill those training requirements. 3 Step… Continue reading “3 Step Tool: Find your NABCEP CEU Requirements and Training Hours”
Maximum power from a little known micro-inverter company. If you’re like me, you have a tendency to pass over good information, because you become so busy. Everything becomes urgent and nothing becomes important. Crisis management is the trend, but what if that can change? As it relates to… Continue reading “Maximum power from a little known micro-inverter company.”
Free 2020 NEC Training for Solar PV The 2020 NEC has just been released and you should know all about it! Our new course Photovoltaics and the 2020 National Electric Code (NEC) will be FREE for the rest of the year. Bill Brooks and Sean White published the… Continue reading “Free 2020 NEC Training for Solar PV”
Join us at the Oregon Solar Energy Conference The Oregon Solar Energy Conference is the most robust regional solar energy conference in the nation, and returns to Portland, Oregon this year May 7-9. They will continue with their dedicated contractor day on May 7th, in coordination with the… Continue reading “Join us at the Oregon Solar Energy Conference”
Why Did the Residential Solar-Plus-Storage Market Grow Tenfold Last Year? In some ways, homeowners’ romantic notions of being energy independent fueled the recent growth in residential solar-plus-storage, says Wes Kennedy, instructor of HeatSpring’s Comprehensive Solar-Plus-Storage course. The residential market was the fastest-moving market in solar-plus-storage, growing tenfold between 2017 and… Continue reading “Why Did the Residential Solar-Plus-Storage Market Grow Tenfold Last Year?”
Stacking, Microgrids, and Other Trends Moving the Solar-Plus-Storage Industry Early adopters of solar-plus-storage have their eye on “stacking” the benefits of storage, which would allow for storage owners to be compensated by utilities or regional transmission organizations for more than one benefit, says Wes Kennedy, instructor of HeatSpring’s Comprehensive… Continue reading “Stacking, Microgrids, and Other Trends Moving the Solar-Plus-Storage Industry”
Avoid These Mistakes When Developing Solar Projects It’s easy to make mistakes when developing solar projects—and just one goof can lead to other goofs, extra costs, and wasted time. That’s the word from Keith Cronin and Chris Lord, instructors for HeatSpring’s Solar Executive MBA Training course, which… Continue reading “Avoid These Mistakes When Developing Solar Projects”
Four Trends Shaping the Solar-Plus-Storage Market Until recently, consumers and businesses embraced solar-plus-storage because they either wanted a backup in the case of utility outages or desired to be off-grid, says Wes Kennedy, instructor of HeatSpring’s Comprehensive Solar-Plus-Storage course. But in recent years, all that has… Continue reading “Four Trends Shaping the Solar-Plus-Storage Market”
How to Design Solar-Plus-Storage Systems that are Cost-Effective and Safe When it comes to designing solar-plus-storage systems, small mistakes can be very costly, says Christopher LaForge, CEO of Great Northern Solar and an NABCEP-certified PV Installation Professional Emeritus. He should know. The instructor of HeatSpring’s “Designing PV Systems with Energy… Continue reading “How to Design Solar-Plus-Storage Systems that are Cost-Effective and Safe”
“Bring me tariffs!” U.S. Solar Industry Braces After ITC Ruling Friday the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) issued its decision finding “a substantial cause of serious injury to the domestic industry” due to dumping of low cost Chinese solar panels in the U.S. market. By the “domestic industry” the ITC… Continue reading ““Bring me tariffs!” U.S. Solar Industry Braces After ITC Ruling”
How to Design Smart Solar Systems in a Fast-Moving Industry Because technology, regulations and software are evolving rapidly in the solar industry, it’s important for contractors, designers and engineers to stay informed about the latest ways to design solar systems. While it may seem daunting to track industry changes, you… Continue reading “How to Design Smart Solar Systems in a Fast-Moving Industry”
New Course Format – Solar Business Masterclass We are excited to introduce a new course format, developed by veteran HeatSpring instructor Keith Cronin. We are now accepting enrollments in Keith’s Solar Business Masterclass. In 2011 Keith helped us develop what would become our most popular course, the… Continue reading “New Course Format – Solar Business Masterclass”
What You Need to Know to Create a Successful Solar-Plus-Storage Project With a booming market, evolving technology and ever- changing incentive programs, energy storage is the Wild West of the solar business right now, says Wes Kennedy, an application engineering manager and instructor for HeatSpring’s “Comprehensive Solar Plus Storage” course. “People… Continue reading “What You Need to Know to Create a Successful Solar-Plus-Storage Project”
The Trump Administration is Expected to Keep the Solar ITC on Track; Here’s How to Best Take Advantage of it With the Trump administration pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement and scuttling the Clean Power Plan, many in the solar industry wonder whether the schedule of the Investment Tax Credit phase-out for solar projects will be changed. A number… Continue reading “The Trump Administration is Expected to Keep the Solar ITC on Track; Here’s How to Best Take Advantage of it”
How to Get More Clients, Team Members and Profits for Your Solar Business We are excited to announce a new free lecture: How to Get More Clients, Team Members and Profits for Your Solar Business by veteran instructor and solar business expert Keith Cronin! Keith will be hosting live Q&A sessions and answering… Continue reading “How to Get More Clients, Team Members and Profits for Your Solar Business”
Innovative Financing Solutions that Get Solar Energy Projects Up and Running A recent study by Deloitte demonstrated just how interested business owners are in going solar. The study, “Resources 2017 Study – Energy Management: Sustainability & Progress,” found that half of the businesses surveyed said they’re looking to procure more electricity… Continue reading “Innovative Financing Solutions that Get Solar Energy Projects Up and Running”
How Profitable Companies Offer More than Just Solar Would you rather do $5 million in sales with a 20% profit or $10 million in sales with a 10% profit? And what if I said that the $5 million in sales wasn’t all from solar? The most profitable way… Continue reading “How Profitable Companies Offer More than Just Solar”
What is the Largest Opportunity in Energy by 2020 and How to Get Your Piece of It You’re looking for the hottest trend. Newest product. Ways to wow and amaze your family and friends. You want to be a leader. A source of knowledge. An authority. Little secret. You will be, as it relates to the energy… Continue reading “What is the Largest Opportunity in Energy by 2020 and How to Get Your Piece of It”