Solar Hot Water Doesn’t Need R+D, IT NEEDS Promotion

In the 2012 January/February issue of Solar Today, Bob Ramlow was featured discussing his thoughts on the future of the solar thermal industry. Bob entered the solar industry 40 years ago, designing and installing solar hot water systems and distributing solar PV and wind equipment. When asked about his thoughts on what the solar hot […]

February 24th, 2012|Categories: Solar, Solar Thermal||

[Video] How to Select Solar Hot Water Components and System Types

In this video, author and ISPQ Certified Master Trainer Bob Ramlow provides a detailed outline of common components found in solar thermal systems, and the four most common types of systems.

Q+A with Solar Thermal Expert Bob Ramlow: Hard Water Issues, PV Powered Solar Thermal and Air Venting

Bob Ramlow answers student questions about solar thermal. He tackles hard water, PV powered solar thermal systems, and best practices for air vent installations.

Is hard water an issue with closed loop solar thermal systems?
Are solar PV powered solar thermal systems cheaper and easier to operate then traditional powered ones?
What are the best practices for placement of automatic air vents in solar thermal systems?


3 Reasons Massachusetts is a Great Place to Sell Solar Thermal and How to Start Doing it

Why? A few reasons:

I’d argue too many people are looking at solar pv and it’s becoming more competitive. Just look at how many solar pv installers there are in Massachusetts, there’s around 50. This number is increasing as more and more tradespeople and leasing companies are getting into the game. Given the Massachusetts SREC market is structured to create 30% growth every year, it’s clear why so many companies are focusing on this.
Solar thermal can be used for space heating, and solar cooling technology is coming online. These applications will make it extremely attractive.
In Massachusetts, solar thermal receives great incentives, which only improve already good financials. For example, in Massachusetts you can receive up to $10k for a site evaluation and another $25k (for private) or $30k (for public)  – see details under construction grants here – rebate for the installation, given the client meets a few criteria.

I think there are 7 national trends happening that are really favorable to solar thermal. Read the 7 Ways The Solar Thermal Industry is Laying the Foundation for Solid Growth, to read more including current bottlenecks in the industry.

I’m no genius, but if I wanted to make some cash in solar thermal, here is what I would do.


Which is Better: Solar Thermal Flat Plate or Evacuated Tube Collectors?

Solar thermal flat plate or evacuated tube collectors? This is an incredibly common question in the solar thermal industry. Strangely enough, many people weigh in, and take different sides. Like a Red Sox vs Yankees type of rivalry, it’s a heated debate. In the end, it depends on the job you’re working on — the climate, the roof, your budget, and […]