To Electrify or Not To Electrify? – a new free course Should we be trying to electrify everything? To help answer that question, we’re excited to present, “To Electrify or Not To Electrify?” a new free course taught by Robb Aldrich and Nicole Ceci from Steven Winter Associates. Their presentation is offered… Continue reading “To Electrify or Not To Electrify? – a new free course”
Air-to-Water Heat Pump & Ventilation Retrofit: A New Free Course Here’s the story of “Finally Fossil-Fuel Free: Air-to-Water Heat Pump & Ventilation Retrofit“, a new free course presented by Brian Just from the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation. His presentation is offered in partnership with the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association. Air-to-water… Continue reading “Air-to-Water Heat Pump & Ventilation Retrofit: A New Free Course”
Are Heat Pumps a Form of Renewable Energy? It’s common for policymakers to argue that heat pumps are not a form of renewable energy, says John Siegenthaler, instructor of HeatSpring’s Application of Air-to-Water Heat Pumps for Hydronic Heating & Cooling course. In response to such claims, he argues… Continue reading “Are Heat Pumps a Form of Renewable Energy?”
Zero Net Energy Buildings with Marc Rosenbaum is Back! I am so excited to announce that renowned Zero Net Energy (ZNE) expert Marc Rosenbaum is back with a newly updated version of his best selling Zero Net Energy Buildings course. It has been a long hiatus since our last… Continue reading “Zero Net Energy Buildings with Marc Rosenbaum is Back!”
Why Hydronic Distribution Systems Can be Ten Times More Efficient than Forced Air Policymakers often focus on providing incentives for efficient heat sources, but neglect to do their research on distribution systems. As a result, they’re missing out on opportunities to boost the efficiency of the overall heating system. They could do this… Continue reading “Why Hydronic Distribution Systems Can be Ten Times More Efficient than Forced Air”
Best Practices for Hiring, Training and Retaining Installation Crews A major challenge for renewable energy companies right now is a labor crunch; it’s hard to line up workers and salespeople in the industry, says Ryan Carda, principal engineer, Dandelion Energy, whose company uses HeatSpring for Groups courses to prepare… Continue reading “Best Practices for Hiring, Training and Retaining Installation Crews”
A Shared Training Experience for Groups of Employees in Solar Companies Ben Ellis, field service manager for Solect Energy, says a major challenge for his company is keeping employees up to date on the rapidly changing solar industry. The best way to keep his team prepared for change is through education,… Continue reading “A Shared Training Experience for Groups of Employees in Solar Companies”
Hydronic Heating Technology: No Longer Grandma’s Clanky Radiators To many people, hydronic heating technology conjures up ideas of Grandma’s hot and clanky steam radiators, says John Siegenthaler, instructor of HeatSpring’s “Mastering Hydronic System Design” and other courses. However, with recent improvements in technology, state-of-the-art hydronic heating systems boast… Continue reading “Hydronic Heating Technology: No Longer Grandma’s Clanky Radiators “
Popular in Europe and Asia, Air-To-Water Heat Pumps Poised for Growth in the U.S. In Europe and Asia, there were over 2 million air-to-water heat pump systems installed in 2016. In the U.S., there were about 1,000 installed, says John Siegenthaler, instructor of HeatSpring’s “Applications of Air-to-Water Heat Pumps for Hydronic Heating and Cooling,” and… Continue reading “Popular in Europe and Asia, Air-To-Water Heat Pumps Poised for Growth in the U.S.”
The Impact of Solar Energy on HVAC Technicians As solar energy is becoming more widespread in the United States, this clean energy source is making its way into the heating and cooling industry. HVAC technicians who want to stay current with the green energy movement should be willing… Continue reading “The Impact of Solar Energy on HVAC Technicians”
Last Chance to Enroll in ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation for Single-Family Dwellings The ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation for Single-Family Dwellings course begins February 20th and you have until the end of the week to enroll so don’t miss out! This is one of our top rated courses which has earned an impressive 9.1/10 rating… Continue reading “Last Chance to Enroll in ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation for Single-Family Dwellings”
Fill in Your Knowledge Gaps – October HVAC Trainings Sharpen and grow your skillset via a technical, online course about heating, ventilation, cooling and air conditioning systems: Integrated HVAC Engineering – Master the complex interaction of room air temperature, humidity, mean radiant temperature, ventilation rate, lighting, sound, and even odors… Continue reading “Fill in Your Knowledge Gaps – October HVAC Trainings”
Building & Powering an Award-Winning Net Zero Energy Home Can a home be beautiful, powered entirely by solar energy, use sustainable heating and cooling systems and save it’s owners roughly $3,500 a year? Why, yes it can. Just ask Joanne Coons, who built her award winning, single-family, Net Zero Energy… Continue reading “Building & Powering an Award-Winning Net Zero Energy Home”
Deep Boreholes in GSHP Systems: Pressure Considerations & Installation Practices Factors such as space limitations are forcing engineers to utilize deep boreholes to meet design requirements for Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) systems. In such cases, hydrostatic pressures must be considered to ensure successful installation can take place. This short… Continue reading “Deep Boreholes in GSHP Systems: Pressure Considerations & Installation Practices”
Geothermal HVAC Design: From Building Loads to Bore Field Design Learn geothermal HVAC design fundamentals, with emphasis on building load (residential, commercial and institutional) development, leading to bore field specification. Watch Al’s lectures (one introductory, the other highly technical), and download a Geothermal HVAC Design Performance Simulator excel file in… Continue reading “Geothermal HVAC Design: From Building Loads to Bore Field Design”
An Overview of Commercial and Industrial Fan Efficiency Fans are the last of the low-hanging efficiency fruit in HVAC and process applications. In this lecture, Wade Smith, former Executive Director of the Air Movement and Control Association, introduces critical concepts related to commercial and industrial fan efficiency and explains… Continue reading “An Overview of Commercial and Industrial Fan Efficiency”
John Siegenthaler Investigates: Low Ambient Air-to-Water Heat Pumps Low Ambient Air-to-Water Heat Pumps: An emerging renewable heat source for North American hydronic systems. Electrically powered heat pumps, in many varieties, are destined to play an increasingly important role in heating and cooling buildings around the world. Heat pumps capture… Continue reading “John Siegenthaler Investigates: Low Ambient Air-to-Water Heat Pumps”
Building Leak Detection and Measurement: Zone Pressure Diagnostics (ZPD) Want complete building leak detection and measurement? Zone Pressure Diagnostics (ZPD) is one of the most powerful analysis tools available…. …and the calculation aid from Residential Energy Dynamics (RED) is the most accurate and easy to use ZPD tool available. This… Continue reading “Building Leak Detection and Measurement: Zone Pressure Diagnostics (ZPD)”
Are you ready to teach with HeatSpring? Are you a renewables or sustainability expert? Want to grow your network, make money and share your expertise? Teach with HeatSpring today! Who are we? HeatSpring is an online training company offering free and paid courses in residential and commercial… Continue reading “Are you ready to teach with HeatSpring?”
Radiant Heating Case Studies: Ceiling Panels & Injection Piping Expert instructor Dave Yates answers student questions with customer anecdotes on the Fundamentals of Radiant Heating discussion board Student 1: I’ve seen two references in the course to “high temperature” ceiling panels needing to be at least 8 feet above the… Continue reading “Radiant Heating Case Studies: Ceiling Panels & Injection Piping”