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Boost Your Webinars: Create Dynamic, Community-Building Online Lectures

In this article, I outline why we host online lectures instead of webinars at HeatSpring and share information for ways that we can help you and your business (cleantech, high performance building, geothermal, and more) start hosting dynamic, community-building online lectures, too.


How many hours and dollars have you invested to create webinars? Getting all […]

SpaceNews, Charles Miller, and the Incredible Commercial Space Course

This week SpaceNews signed on as our media partner for the next round of the “Commercial Space Executive Leadership” course developed in partnership with the AIAA. I don’t like hyperbole or excessive hype, even when I talk about work we’re doing at HeatSpring, so I’d like to share the history of this program and explain why this […]

The #1 Online Resource for Heating Questions: HeatingHelp.com

Looking for an answer to all of your heating questions? Ask Dan Holohan. He’s the founder of the #1 online resource for heating questions: HeatingHelp.com. If Dan doesn’t know the answer, “The Wall” will (read below to learn more). I don’t remember how I stumbled across HeatingHelp.com, but I’ll tell you one thing…I stayed on the […]

February 27th, 2015|Categories: HVAC Design, Hydronic Heating, Teaching|Tags: , , |

Why We Chose HeatSpring as Our Educational Partner

Mark Eatherton, Executive Director, Radiant Professionals Alliance authored the below article. We had a chance to see Mark at the ASHRAE conference a few weeks ago and when we told him we’d love to feature him in HeatSpring Magazine, he sent us this article.

In the article, Mark outlines the 2015 initiatives happening at the Radiant Professionals Alliance:

Dave Yate’s […]

February 13th, 2015|Categories: Building Performance, Business, Certification, Teaching|Tags: , |

Part 3 – Step-by-Step Process for Screening Land for Solar Development

This is the third article in a three-part series about outlining the process for purchasing land with the intent to lease it to a solar developer. This is a personal project, but I felt it would be fun and appropriate to share the story with HeatSpring readers.

Part 1 focuses on investment criteria and a basic […]