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Going Outside the Queue | Speeding Up Interconnection of Generation & Storage to Transmission

We all know that utility-scale solar and storage is building momentum, yet the process of interconnecting new renewable power sources remains a substantial bottleneck in the clean energy transition. In this quick video, HeatSpring instructor Tim Taylor unpacks recent developmentsContinue reading “Going Outside the Queue | Speeding Up Interconnection of Generation & Storage to Transmission”

Brit Heller Brit Heller

Working Safely on Energized Equipment – Understanding Restricted Approach, Limited Approach, and Arc Flash Boundaries

When it comes to electrical safety, understanding arc flash hazards and how to mitigate their risk is crucial, but all too often misunderstood. Many workers believe that staying outside the arc flash boundary guarantees safety, but this is a dangerousContinue reading “Working Safely on Energized Equipment – Understanding Restricted Approach, Limited Approach, and Arc Flash Boundaries”

Brit Heller Brit Heller

What’s the Difference Between the NABCEP PV Installation Professional and Installer Specialist Certifications?

Navigating the world of NABCEP certifications can be daunting for solar professionals, especially when faced with seemingly similar options. Many in our community have expressed confusion about the various certifications available, with the comparison between the NABCEP PV Installation ProfessionalContinue reading “What’s the Difference Between the NABCEP PV Installation Professional and Installer Specialist Certifications?”

Brit Heller Brit Heller

NERC PRC-024-3: Understanding “Ride Through” Capability and “No Trip Zones”

“Ride through” capability in power systems has become increasingly important in recent years, because it contributes to maintaining grid stability during system disturbances. In this video excerpt from the new Interconnection of Utility-Scale Solar PV to Transmission course, HeatSpring instructorContinue reading “NERC PRC-024-3: Understanding “Ride Through” Capability and “No Trip Zones””

Brit Heller Brit Heller

Getting Your NABCEP PV Commissioning & Maintenance Specialist Certification | Everything You Need to Know

NABCEP’s PV Commissioning and Maintenance Specialist (PVCMS) Certification was created to recognize experienced solar technicians who have a deep understanding of operations, maintenance, and commissioning. These certified specialists excel at the application of verification protocols as well as preventative andContinue reading “Getting Your NABCEP PV Commissioning & Maintenance Specialist Certification | Everything You Need to Know”

Brit Heller Brit Heller

New Course Announcement: Interconnection of Utility-Scale Solar PV to Transmission

It seems like every time news outlets report on new utility-scale solar projects coming online, the megawatt (MW) capacity keeps getting bigger. With an increasing number of high-capacity solar projects in development, many industry professionals are finding themselves in needContinue reading “New Course Announcement: Interconnection of Utility-Scale Solar PV to Transmission”

Brit Heller Brit Heller

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Your NABCEP PV Design Specialist Certification

The NABCEP PV Design Specialist Certification recognizes experienced solar professionals with a track record of designing successfully installed solar PV projects. Prime candidates for the PVDS demonstrate expertise in both electrical and mechanical aspects, creating accurate and safe PV designs.Continue reading “The Ultimate Guide to Getting Your NABCEP PV Design Specialist Certification”

Brit Heller Brit Heller

The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a NFPA Certified Electrical Safety Technician 

In today’s increasingly electrified world, ensuring electrical safety is more critical than ever. Whether you’re a solar installer, HVAC technician, or facilities management professional, understanding and implementing proper electrical safety practices is essential. That’s where the National Fire Protection AssociationContinue reading “The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a NFPA Certified Electrical Safety Technician “

Brit Heller Brit Heller