Three Solar Industry Trends for Beginners–and Some Important Perspective on Them If you’re new to the solar industry, you should keep an eye on three trends, says Sean White, instructor of HeatSpring’s 58-hour NABCEP Advanced Solar PV Training Series. With prices of solar and energy storage dropping, it’s easy to get… Continue reading “Three Solar Industry Trends for Beginners–and Some Important Perspective on Them”
Avoid These Three Silly Mistakes about Solar–and Escape Embarrassment When you’re discussing the details of a solar energy system, it’s easy to slip up in embarrassing ways. Even solar company CEOs commit common mistakes, says Sean White, instructor of HeatSpring’s 58-hour NABCEP Advanced Solar PV Training Series. His courses… Continue reading “Avoid These Three Silly Mistakes about Solar–and Escape Embarrassment”
Bigger Projects, Faster Design, Better ROI – Why “Megawatt Design” Exists and Whom it’s For “Megawatt Design” was an ambitious new course for solar designers created by Ryan Mayfield and SolarPro Magazine in 2014. The course has been continuously improved and today the content is more relevant than ever. Ryan, Randy Batchelor, and Jennifer Alfsen… Continue reading “Bigger Projects, Faster Design, Better ROI – Why “Megawatt Design” Exists and Whom it’s For”
Join us at the Oregon Solar Energy Conference The Oregon Solar Energy Conference is the most robust regional solar energy conference in the nation, and returns to Portland, Oregon this year May 7-9. They will continue with their dedicated contractor day on May 7th, in coordination with the… Continue reading “Join us at the Oregon Solar Energy Conference”
With Inexpensive PV, These Three Strategies are no Longer Solar Sins Ten years ago, solar PV cost 10 times more than what it does now. That means solar installers can now embrace three strategies that were once considered solar sins. That’s the word from Sean White, instructor of HeatSpring’s 40-Hour Solar Advanced PV… Continue reading “With Inexpensive PV, These Three Strategies are no Longer Solar Sins”
How to Tackle the Difficult Task of Sizing Wires in Your Solar Arrays It’s not so easy to size wires in solar arrays, says Sean White, instructor of HeatSpring’s NABCEP PV Installation Professional Certification Exam Prep and CEUs course. The problem: the National Electrical Code (NEC) can be befuddling. His courses that focus on… Continue reading “How to Tackle the Difficult Task of Sizing Wires in Your Solar Arrays”
How the Wrong Roof or Warranty Can Undermine a Solar PV Project In a distributed generation project involving solar PV, identifying the status of the roof and the details of its warranty is critical, says Chris Lord, instructor of HeatSpring’s Solar Executive MBA Training course. If solar installers don’t do their homework,… Continue reading “How the Wrong Roof or Warranty Can Undermine a Solar PV Project”
The Solar ITC to Take its First Step Down, While Rapid Shutdown Moves Forward The 2017 National Electrical Code (NEC) and the federal solar investment tax credit (ITC) will leave their mark on the solar industry in 2019, with the NEC increasing costs temporarily and the ITC lowering incentives. That’s the word from Ryan Mayfield… Continue reading “The Solar ITC to Take its First Step Down, While Rapid Shutdown Moves Forward”
Businesses are Squeezing More Solar out of Their Property with These Two Trends More and more, businesses are looking for ways to squeeze more solar out of their available property, and have embraced two trends to do just that, says Ryan Mayfield, co-instructor of HeatSpring’s Megawatt Design course, which focuses on designing large… Continue reading “Businesses are Squeezing More Solar out of Their Property with These Two Trends”
PG&E’s Bankruptcy and Your Long-Term Business We all recently learned that the utility filed. This is because of the enormous liabilities it is going to incur, as a result of the fires that swept through California recently. From Warren Buffet’s Topaz solar farm (which went into… Continue reading “PG&E’s Bankruptcy and Your Long-Term Business”
Managing the Moving Targets of Getting a Solar Power Purchase Agreement Signed Getting a power purchase agreement (PPA) signed for a solar project requires juggling numerous tasks–all of them moving targets, says Chris Lord, instructor of HeatSpring’s Solar Executive MBA Training course. It’s not easy to maneuver through this process and rope… Continue reading “Managing the Moving Targets of Getting a Solar Power Purchase Agreement Signed”
Do Your Financial Modeling for Solar, and Keep Your Eye on What Qualifies for the ITC When you’re creating financial models for solar projects, it’s important to understand what qualifies for the solar investment tax credit (ITC), says Chris Lord, instructor of HeatSpring’s Financial Modeling for Solar PV course. And it’s also critical to begin your modeling… Continue reading “Do Your Financial Modeling for Solar, and Keep Your Eye on What Qualifies for the ITC”
Why 4 Out of 5 Solar Companies Don’t Advertise Often in the solar industry, the debate about advertising or not strikes a nerve. Many clients and people I know resist any sort of advertising as they believe it’s a waste of money and their time. They have good reason… Continue reading “Why 4 Out of 5 Solar Companies Don’t Advertise”
Why Did the Residential Solar-Plus-Storage Market Grow Tenfold Last Year? In some ways, homeowners’ romantic notions of being energy independent fueled the recent growth in residential solar-plus-storage, says Wes Kennedy, instructor of HeatSpring’s Comprehensive Solar-Plus-Storage course. The residential market was the fastest-moving market in solar-plus-storage, growing tenfold between 2017 and… Continue reading “Why Did the Residential Solar-Plus-Storage Market Grow Tenfold Last Year?”
Stacking, Microgrids, and Other Trends Moving the Solar-Plus-Storage Industry Early adopters of solar-plus-storage have their eye on “stacking” the benefits of storage, which would allow for storage owners to be compensated by utilities or regional transmission organizations for more than one benefit, says Wes Kennedy, instructor of HeatSpring’s Comprehensive… Continue reading “Stacking, Microgrids, and Other Trends Moving the Solar-Plus-Storage Industry”
The 7 Reasons Why Solar Projects Fail Solar development is hard today. 5 years ago, utilities were more interested in finding ways to get you interconnected. Building departments were less stringent on their requirements. Life was good in the solar space. Then it wasn’t. You’ve spent months… Continue reading “The 7 Reasons Why Solar Projects Fail”
3 Lessons I Learned From Collaboration It was early 2002 and the idea of a solar PPA was in its infancy. I got an email from a guy from BP Solar seeing if I was interested in buying some solar panels. His name was Jigar Shah.… Continue reading “3 Lessons I Learned From Collaboration”
The 3 Most Important Elements To The Solar MBA Course You want to take the Solar Executive MBA course. You want to learn more. You want to get ahead. But you’re unsure if this course is right for you. We understand and want to clarify a few things with you.… Continue reading “The 3 Most Important Elements To The Solar MBA Course”
How Google Quality Score Impacts Cost Per Lead in Solar Paid Search Campaigns In the last article, we did an in-depth analysis of 6 specific search ads for residential solar and we showed how the search engine ad itself can impact the eventual cost per lead, based on the click-through rate of the ad.… Continue reading “How Google Quality Score Impacts Cost Per Lead in Solar Paid Search Campaigns”
NABCEP PV Associate Course in Niagara Falls NY HeatSpring instructor Dr. Sean White will be teaching a NABCEP PV Associate Course at the upcoming NABCEP Continuing Education Conference in Niagara Falls, NY on March 19-22. This is a great opportunity to get your NABCEP PV Associate credential and… Continue reading “NABCEP PV Associate Course in Niagara Falls NY”