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Solar Finance

Encouraging Non-Profits to Bring Solar PV to their Communities Requires Education, Patience

Solar developers and contractors are in the unique position of being able to educate non-profit organizations about solar energy and bring its benefits to their communities, says Keith Cronin, an instructor for numerous HeatSpring courses and founder of SunHedge. “TheContinue reading “Encouraging Non-Profits to Bring Solar PV to their Communities Requires Education, Patience”

Lisa Cohn Lisa Cohn

Do Your Financial Modeling for Solar, and Keep Your Eye on What Qualifies for the ITC

When you’re creating financial models for solar projects, it’s important to understand what qualifies for the solar investment tax credit (ITC), says Chris Lord, instructor of HeatSpring’s Financial Modeling for Solar PV course. And it’s also critical to begin your modelingContinue reading “Do Your Financial Modeling for Solar, and Keep Your Eye on What Qualifies for the ITC”

Lisa Cohn Lisa Cohn