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Sustainable Building Advisor

Minimize the Energy Your Building Needs with this new Free Tool

Download Ann Edminster’s Free Tool ‘Minimize the Energy Your Building Needs (Energy Free: Homes for a Small Planet, Chapter 4)’ This chapter from Edminster’s award-winning, residential zero-energy primer covers key performance issues such as building geometry, enclosure design, comfort strategies andContinue reading “Minimize the Energy Your Building Needs with this new Free Tool”

Ann Edminster Ann Edminster

Building Codes, Efficiency & Passive House Principles On Existing Homes

On the Passive House in the Real World (with Mike Duclos) discussion board…  Takeaways: Homeowners looking to incorporate Passive House principles in existing buildings should consider getting a home energy audit. Still, after a home is built, serious energy reductions (say 50% to 90%) become very expensive.Continue reading “Building Codes, Efficiency & Passive House Principles On Existing Homes”

Abby Thompson Abby Thompson

Finding Success in Sustainable Building: A Case Study

In this case study, we discuss a sustainable building project, the importance of learning national and state energy codes/green building requirements and an overview of large scale initiatives currently taking place with alum Paul Correa. Paul A. Correa is the Principal/Founder of California’s CPG Consultants, and has theContinue reading “Finding Success in Sustainable Building: A Case Study”

Abby Thompson Abby Thompson