How to Design a Solar PV System 101: The Basic Terms Want a basic technical understanding of solar PV project terminology? Read on… If you’re an experienced installer, none of this information will be new to you. If you’re new to solar, it will be helpful. But keep in mind, we’ll… Continue reading “How to Design a Solar PV System 101: The Basic Terms”
What is the Difference Between a Solar Lease and Cash Customer? This is the last interview in the 5 part series we did with BrightGrid Renewable Energy Finance on residential solar leases and it’s one of the best. We focused most of the interview on specifics of what solar sales and… Continue reading “What is the Difference Between a Solar Lease and Cash Customer?”
Detailed 2012 SREC Market Update: NJ, MA, PA, CT, IL, DC, MD 7 Months ago we did an SREC 101 Episode for HeatSpring TV. The goal of the first interview was simple: to provide basic information on what SRECs are, the state of the current market, and what installers should know about… Continue reading “Detailed 2012 SREC Market Update: NJ, MA, PA, CT, IL, DC, MD”
Can We Eliminate Residential Solar Financing? A Conversation About Driving Down PV Costs with Barry Cinnamon from Westinghouse Solar This is a great thought experiment. Can we make solar PV so simple and cheap that we’ll no longer need residential solar financing? Jigar Shah thinks so. Shouldn’t the goal of the PV industry be to NOT need financing? Or,… Continue reading “Can We Eliminate Residential Solar Financing? A Conversation About Driving Down PV Costs with Barry Cinnamon from Westinghouse Solar”
Finance 101 for Renewable Energy Professionals Understanding finance is required to sell renewable energy projects. It’s needed to communicate the value of both residential and commercial projects, and for all types of technologies: solar PV, solar hot water, and geothermal heat pumps. The reason financial metrics are… Continue reading “Finance 101 for Renewable Energy Professionals”
How to Select a Top Solar Manufacturer To Work With For the fourth part of my interview series with BrightGrid Renewable Energy Finace, I spoke with Tim Slavin, VP of Credit and Operations at BrightGrid. We talked about a solar installer should be asking from their manufacturing partners and how… Continue reading “How to Select a Top Solar Manufacturer To Work With”
Certified GeoExchange Desiger Certification – The CGD – What is it? Who needs it? How to get it? Certified GeoExchange Designer Certification is the most prestigious credential that exists within the geothermal heat pump industry because few people have it. It’s hard to get because you can’t sit for the exam without some combination of education and experience… Continue reading “Certified GeoExchange Desiger Certification – The CGD – What is it? Who needs it? How to get it?”
“If you can’t install solar at $3.45/watt, you’re going out of business.” Straight Talk on Solar with Jigar Shah at NESEA 2012 Jigar Shah was my favorite presenter at this year’s Building Energy Conference. Mr. Shah founded SunEdison in 2003 and sold it five years later for $200 million. Here are some quotes he offered up in the “Energy Subsidies and the… Continue reading ““If you can’t install solar at $3.45/watt, you’re going out of business.” Straight Talk on Solar with Jigar Shah at NESEA 2012″
Selling Geothermal as a Hedge Against Rising Energy Prices Those of us in the ground source heat pump (GSHP) industry already know of the many benefits that these systems hold over conventional heating and cooling systems (and have probably explained them a hundred times over). But as the appeal… Continue reading “Selling Geothermal as a Hedge Against Rising Energy Prices”
[Free Tool] A Really Simple Solar PV Site Visit Checklist for Salespeople There are three areas that the most profitable and well run residential solar and geothermal companies do really well. Turn visitors into leads and know how qualified those leads are. The most profitable companies have an extremely clear process for… Continue reading “[Free Tool] A Really Simple Solar PV Site Visit Checklist for Salespeople”
Solar Hot Water Doesn’t Need R+D, IT NEEDS Promotion In the 2012 January/February issue of Solar Today, Bob Ramlow was featured discussing his thoughts on the future of the solar thermal industry. Bob entered the solar industry 40 years ago, designing and installing solar hot water systems and distributing… Continue reading “Solar Hot Water Doesn’t Need R+D, IT NEEDS Promotion”
5 Tips on Designing Vertical or Slinky Geothermal Loop Fields We’ve found it useful to focus on both articles that will help companies with their sales and marketing AND design and installation. A few weeks ago, I shared a piece – thanks to Ryan Carda – on geothermal flow path analysis for ground… Continue reading “5 Tips on Designing Vertical or Slinky Geothermal Loop Fields”
How Do you Handle Your Customers’ Tough Questions About Solar Leases? This is the third video in a five part series that HeatSpring created with BrightGrid Renewable Energy Finance to help residential solar contractors learn more about solar financing and leases. The goal is simple, we want to help installers to… Continue reading “How Do you Handle Your Customers’ Tough Questions About Solar Leases?”
HS TV Ep 9: How to Attract Top Talent or Find a Job in the Renewable Energy Industry Here is something I did not know. It has been as difficult for renewable energy companies to find amazing talent, as it has been for professionals to find a job in the renewable energy industry. Last week, I had an… Continue reading “HS TV Ep 9: How to Attract Top Talent or Find a Job in the Renewable Energy Industry”
HS TV Ep 8: 1/2 the Drilling Depth, 1/3 the Footprint, SCW vs. Closed Loop Geothermal Systems Standing column well geothermal projects have significant advantages over closed geothermal projects in certain circumstances. Standing column wells typically need half the amount of drilling then traditional closed systems, because they can transfer heat so much faster. Also, they be… Continue reading “HS TV Ep 8: 1/2 the Drilling Depth, 1/3 the Footprint, SCW vs. Closed Loop Geothermal Systems”
[Video] How to Select Solar Hot Water Components and System Types In this video, author and ISPQ Certified Master Trainer Bob Ramlow provides a detailed outline of common components found in solar thermal systems, and the four most common types of systems.
How Does a Solar Lease Work and How Do you Sell its Value The above video is part 2 in a 5 part series HeatSpring created with BrightGrid Renewable Energy Finance for solar installers about solar financing and solar leases. You can watch the full 5 part series “How to User Solar Leases… Continue reading “How Does a Solar Lease Work and How Do you Sell its Value”
The 4 Differences Between Geothermal Standing Column Well and Closed Loop Systems There are four major differences between standing column well (SCW) and closed loop geothermal systems. The use of exchange fluid Loop materials and characteristics Use of heat exchangers Applications of the technology To learn more about standing column well design, download… Continue reading “The 4 Differences Between Geothermal Standing Column Well and Closed Loop Systems”
What Residential Solar Companies Need to do to Successfully Offer a Solar Lease According to the State of California Energy Commission, in Q3 of 2011, the majority of residential systems were financed. What does this mean for solar installers? Simple. The solar lease is becoming the industry norm and you need to be… Continue reading “What Residential Solar Companies Need to do to Successfully Offer a Solar Lease”
Geothermal Loop Design: Series vs Parallel Flow Path Analysis When designing geothermal ground loops, this is an issue that a lot of people get hung up on. Because of the advantages of, we use parallel circuits in ground loops almost exclusively in our industry. Read more to hear why. When loops are tied… Continue reading “Geothermal Loop Design: Series vs Parallel Flow Path Analysis”