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Industry updates and insights

From HeatSpring, leading online learning platform on solar, heat pumps, building science, energy storage and more.

Taking Geothermal to the Next Level –> First Steps to Building A Lobbying, Research and Communications Juggernaut

The geothermal industry has reached a point where technical competence is no longer a bottleneck to the growth of the industry. WE KNOW how to design projects that work. Now, there are a few more items that are holding usContinue reading “Taking Geothermal to the Next Level –> First Steps to Building A Lobbying, Research and Communications Juggernaut”

Chris Williams Chris Williams

[Interview] Learnings from Ball State and the Largest Geothermal Project and What It means for Selling District Heating Geothermal

A few months ago, I heard about the largest geothermal heat pump installation was breaking ground at Ball State University. Clearly, this is amazing project that could change the whole industry. Also, I always noticed PR for huge solar PVContinue reading “[Interview] Learnings from Ball State and the Largest Geothermal Project and What It means for Selling District Heating Geothermal”

Chris Williams Chris Williams