Are you located outside of the United States and interested in earning the NABCEP PV Associate credential? We have great news! You can now take the PV Associate exam at any Castle Worldwide testing center in the world. You could be the first from your country, a documented solar pioneer and you can one day tell your grandchildren about how you decided you needed do it.

NABCEP PV Associate International Exam Sponsorship Program

We have even better news because HeatSpring is offering a sponsorship program to pay the base NABCEP PV Associate exam application fee (a $150 value) for the first 5 international students who take the NABCEP PV Associate Exam with us.

Program Details

This program is operated by HeatSpring and is not a government program. Awards take the form of discounted tuition and do not need to be repaid. Requests for additional financial aid are considered on a case-by-case basis. The amount requested does impact the decision, so applications should request the lowest amount needed for the highest chance of approval. An official response is emailed within several days of submission. Applicants must also complete this course: Solar PV Installer Boot Camp + NABCEP PV Associate Exam Prep

This program is only available to students outside the United States. If you are from the US and need tuition assistance, we do offer financial aid and this course is eligible. Find out more about financial aid and apply here.

NABCEP PV Associate Exam

HeatSpring is a registered NABCEP Education Provider. After completing our PV Associate Exam Prep course, we submit your application and exam fee to NABCEP. You are then contacted by NABCEP to schedule your exam time and location at one of over 1,000 Castle Worldwide testing centers located in over 100 countries around the worldLearn more about the different NABCEP exams here.