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Contractors Say Better Training Would Help Them Sell More

Brian Hayden Brian Hayden

Brands create structured training programs because they increase loyalty, decrease user error, and improve customer satisfaction. Think IronRidge certification, Carrier’s Authorized Dealer program, or Microsoft certification.

Education is a powerful form of marketing and the foundation for all product sales. Especially in a technical professional setting like clean energy.

Leverage Customer Education to Drive Sales & Loyalty for Your Products is an opportunity for brands to learn from instructional designers how to create educational programs. The webinar is happening on September 25th and we’ll turn it into a free course after that.

A story to illustrate the value of product training

I went to the Michigan Heat Pump Summit 👆, an event for building professionals to learn about more about heat pumps. There were technical sessions on load calculations, rebate programs, an exhibit hall, food, and lots of networking.

One session was a manufacturer panel, on which representatives from four major heat pump manufacturers discussed the present and future market for heat pump installations. When they opened up for questions from the ~70 contractors in the audience, the most common feedback was that installers need more training. They are excited about new heat pumps and heat pump water heaters, but it’s hard to stay current on the new products, rebate programs, and strategies for designing and installing systems that work. Essentially the question was: Could the manufacturers provide more accessible training?

The manufacturer response surprised me.

Essentially, they said “We offer training all the time and you (contractors) never show up.” They told stories about hosting in-person training where 35 people will sign up but only 8 show. They buy lunches for everybody and it’s a waste of money and resources. They talked about all the videos and calculators on their website that contractors don’t utilize. In a variety of ways they pointed back at the contractors and said it’s your fault you’re not getting the training you need.

As an educator, this was interesting to observe. 

Here’s an opportunity for brands to do better. Even an imperfect solution could be a lot better than what’s out there, and the reward for the winners in the heat pump installation business are going to be really big. That’s what this webinar is about.

Leverage Customer Education to Drives Sales & Loyalty for Your Products is a co-presentation from HeatSpring and Jackrabbit. The Jackrabbit team has true instructional design chops married with an understanding of markets. I think they have a unique ability to help clean energy brands find the right level of investment for their training department.

Consider signing up for the free event and if pass the link along if you know somebody who could use education to position and sell their brand more effectively.

Brian Hayden
Written by

Brian Hayden

HeatSpring co-founder. You can reach me directly at bhayden @ or 800-393-2044 x1.

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