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How the Shift from Early Adopters to the Mass Market Impacts your Solar Marketing Efforts

What strikes me most about renewable energy websites is how much companies tend to to talk about themselves and the technology and not about what the customer actually cares about. Actually, let me rephrase this, what “mainstream customers” care about.Continue reading “How the Shift from Early Adopters to the Mass Market Impacts your Solar Marketing Efforts”

Chris Williams Chris Williams

The Battle to Reduce Solar’s “Soft Costs” is Starting and How it Can Increase Your Solar Company’s Profits

The solar industry is going through massive change. Module and balance and systems prices are dropping quickly, there has been an influx of new products, financing is becoming commoditized and the solar supply chain is shifting rapidly. The results ofContinue reading “The Battle to Reduce Solar’s “Soft Costs” is Starting and How it Can Increase Your Solar Company’s Profits”

Chris Williams Chris Williams

IGSHPA Installer Accreditation Versus Vertical Loop Installer (Driller) Accreditation

In the past, we’ve written a few articles about what exactly the IGSHPA accreditation is, if it’s worthwhile, and when contractors should get it. The International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA) now has a separate program for drillers, called “VerticalContinue reading “IGSHPA Installer Accreditation Versus Vertical Loop Installer (Driller) Accreditation”

Chris Williams Chris Williams

How to Create a Solar PPA

Today the US solar market is booming–67% growth in 2010, according to SEIAs 2010 Solar Market Trends Report–easily the fastest growing industry in the US. In the US Solar photovoltaic market, there are largely two main obstacles to growth. TheContinue reading “How to Create a Solar PPA”

Chris Williams Chris Williams