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Certified GeoExchange Desiger Certification – The CGD – What is it? Who needs it? How to get it?

Certified GeoExchange Designer Certification is the most prestigious credential that exists within the geothermal heat pump industry because few people have it.  It’s hard to get because you can’t sit for the exam without some combination of education and experienceContinue reading “Certified GeoExchange Desiger Certification – The CGD – What is it? Who needs it? How to get it?”

Brian Hayden Brian Hayden

“If you can’t install solar at $3.45/watt, you’re going out of business.” Straight Talk on Solar with Jigar Shah at NESEA 2012

Jigar Shah was my favorite presenter at this year’s Building Energy Conference.  Mr. Shah founded SunEdison in 2003 and sold it five years later for $200 million.  Here are some quotes he offered up in the “Energy Subsidies and theContinue reading ““If you can’t install solar at $3.45/watt, you’re going out of business.” Straight Talk on Solar with Jigar Shah at NESEA 2012″

Brian Hayden Brian Hayden

Q+A with Solar Thermal Expert Bob Ramlow: Hard Water Issues, PV Powered Solar Thermal and Air Venting

Bob Ramlow answers student questions about solar thermal. He tackles hard water, PV powered solar thermal systems, and best practices for air vent installations. Is hard water an issue with closed loop solar thermal systems? Are solar PV powered solar thermalContinue reading “Q+A with Solar Thermal Expert Bob Ramlow: Hard Water Issues, PV Powered Solar Thermal and Air Venting”

Chris Williams Chris Williams

Lessons Learned from Inventing a Solar Installation Tool and How it Can Help you Sell More Projects

Let me first start by saying that this article is indeed a piece of shameless promotion. It is about a solar installation tool that I invented while I was running a crew installing residential photovoltaic arrays in Massachusetts. At first, I was notContinue reading “Lessons Learned from Inventing a Solar Installation Tool and How it Can Help you Sell More Projects”

Chris Williams Chris Williams

How the Shift from Early Adopters to the Mass Market Impacts your Solar Marketing Efforts

What strikes me most about renewable energy websites is how much companies tend to to talk about themselves and the technology and not about what the customer actually cares about. Actually, let me rephrase this, what “mainstream customers” care about.Continue reading “How the Shift from Early Adopters to the Mass Market Impacts your Solar Marketing Efforts”

Chris Williams Chris Williams

The Battle to Reduce Solar’s “Soft Costs” is Starting and How it Can Increase Your Solar Company’s Profits

The solar industry is going through massive change. Module and balance and systems prices are dropping quickly, there has been an influx of new products, financing is becoming commoditized and the solar supply chain is shifting rapidly. The results ofContinue reading “The Battle to Reduce Solar’s “Soft Costs” is Starting and How it Can Increase Your Solar Company’s Profits”

Chris Williams Chris Williams