A Guaranteed 5 Year, $100/MWh FIT For Renewable Thermal Sources Could Eliminate Oil Use for Single Family Homes in Vermont “A Simple Plan for Eliminating Oil Usage for Single Family Homes in Vermont” was the message of my talk at Renewable Energy Vermont 2012 last Monday. If you’re working in the renewable energy industry in Vermont, you should join REV.… Continue reading “A Guaranteed 5 Year, $100/MWh FIT For Renewable Thermal Sources Could Eliminate Oil Use for Single Family Homes in Vermont”
Two Things I Learned at the 2012 IGSHPA Conference On Tuesday October 2nd we hosted an evening program titled, “How to Make Money in Renewable Energy” for 45 brave souls who traveled to Indianapolis for the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA) Conference. These were the panelists: Allan… Continue reading “Two Things I Learned at the 2012 IGSHPA Conference”
Inside Implementing the New Hampshire Thermal REC Program This post is part of a series to do a state by state in-depth analysis of current research, policy and other legislation in New England that is impacting, or has the ability to impact the geothermal industry. An in-depth analysis… Continue reading “Inside Implementing the New Hampshire Thermal REC Program”
New England Geothermal Policy Update, Review, and Next Steps: Massachusetts This is the first piece on geothermal lobbying efforts that I’m completing in addition to other industry communications and research efforts. In the next few weeks, I’ll be publishing information on the current state of policy and next steps in… Continue reading “New England Geothermal Policy Update, Review, and Next Steps: Massachusetts”
11 Reasons to Attend the Colorado Geothermal Heat Pump Conference Generation Geo 2012 Conference & Expo is the only event in the Rocky Mountain region to examine the most critical elements influencing the adoption of geothermal heat pumps (GHPs) into today’s built environment. Generation Geo, Sept 27 – 28, will explore… Continue reading “11 Reasons to Attend the Colorado Geothermal Heat Pump Conference”
Taking Geothermal to the Next Level –> First Steps to Building A Lobbying, Research and Communications Juggernaut The geothermal industry has reached a point where technical competence is no longer a bottleneck to the growth of the industry. WE KNOW how to design projects that work. Now, there are a few more items that are holding us… Continue reading “Taking Geothermal to the Next Level –> First Steps to Building A Lobbying, Research and Communications Juggernaut”
“How To Make Money in Renewable Energy” Meet-Up at the 2012 IGSHPA Conference Going to the IGSHPA conference in Indy? If so, let us buy you a drink. HeatSpring Learning Institute, GeoConnections, and ClimateMaster are hosting a meet-up for business owners in town for the IGSHPA Conference. Tuesday October 2nd – 7-9pm – Cost: Free… Continue reading ““How To Make Money in Renewable Energy” Meet-Up at the 2012 IGSHPA Conference”
[Interview] Learnings from Ball State and the Largest Geothermal Project and What It means for Selling District Heating Geothermal A few months ago, I heard about the largest geothermal heat pump installation was breaking ground at Ball State University. Clearly, this is amazing project that could change the whole industry. Also, I always noticed PR for huge solar PV… Continue reading “[Interview] Learnings from Ball State and the Largest Geothermal Project and What It means for Selling District Heating Geothermal”
Reminder: Aug 3rd Meeting to Determine Details of Thermal RECs in NH For those of doing geothermal business in New Hampshire. You NEED to go to this. This is a huge step forward for the geothermal industry. Thanks to NEGPA for spear heading this. See below, you must RSVP to attend. Here’s… Continue reading “Reminder: Aug 3rd Meeting to Determine Details of Thermal RECs in NH”
The Coolest, Most Bad%ss, Great Geothermal Marketing Video Ever Made Thanks to Energy Smart Alternatives for creating this video and posting it on twitter, where I found it, while I was stalking you. To give credit where credit is due, Love’s Geothermal down in Maryland also has an amazing “story… Continue reading “The Coolest, Most Bad%ss, Great Geothermal Marketing Video Ever Made”
“What’s the Most Efficient?” Geo VS Solar Thermal VS Solar PV I’m doing some sales consulting work in NYC, and there’s one question I’m getting a lot from property owners: “What is the most efficient renewable energy technology?” In the city, they are mainly speaking of solar PV vs solar thermal,… Continue reading ““What’s the Most Efficient?” Geo VS Solar Thermal VS Solar PV”
Finance 101 For Geothermal Pros (Image using LoopLink Geothermal Design Software) The only thing that the geothermal industry needs to worry about is sales. We need more sales. For the most part, we have talented enough engineers and tradespeople to install any project that we… Continue reading “Finance 101 For Geothermal Pros”
Geothermal Performance Case Study: Closed Loop vs. DX vs. Kelix Thermocouple (This post has received a lot of feedback as expected, I’ve posted some update information at the bottom of the post from Sam Johnson’s team and from Kelix themselves) Last month, I published an interview about the Kelix ground coupling… Continue reading “Geothermal Performance Case Study: Closed Loop vs. DX vs. Kelix Thermocouple”
Lessons Learned from Selling Community Scale Geothermal in New England I’ve heard a lot of pitches to about community geothermal, using a single loop field for many different households. The main benefit is simple, a reduction in drilling costs due to economies of scale. The roadblack, as always, is actually… Continue reading “Lessons Learned from Selling Community Scale Geothermal in New England”
Finance 101 for Renewable Energy Professionals Understanding finance is required to sell renewable energy projects. It’s needed to communicate the value of both residential and commercial projects, and for all types of technologies: solar PV, solar hot water, and geothermal heat pumps. The reason financial metrics are… Continue reading “Finance 101 for Renewable Energy Professionals”
Selling Geothermal as a Hedge Against Rising Energy Prices Those of us in the ground source heat pump (GSHP) industry already know of the many benefits that these systems hold over conventional heating and cooling systems (and have probably explained them a hundred times over). But as the appeal… Continue reading “Selling Geothermal as a Hedge Against Rising Energy Prices”
5 Tips on Designing Vertical or Slinky Geothermal Loop Fields We’ve found it useful to focus on both articles that will help companies with their sales and marketing AND design and installation. A few weeks ago, I shared a piece – thanks to Ryan Carda – on geothermal flow path analysis for ground… Continue reading “5 Tips on Designing Vertical or Slinky Geothermal Loop Fields”
HS TV Ep 8: 1/2 the Drilling Depth, 1/3 the Footprint, SCW vs. Closed Loop Geothermal Systems Standing column well geothermal projects have significant advantages over closed geothermal projects in certain circumstances. Standing column wells typically need half the amount of drilling then traditional closed systems, because they can transfer heat so much faster. Also, they be… Continue reading “HS TV Ep 8: 1/2 the Drilling Depth, 1/3 the Footprint, SCW vs. Closed Loop Geothermal Systems”
The 4 Differences Between Geothermal Standing Column Well and Closed Loop Systems There are four major differences between standing column well (SCW) and closed loop geothermal systems. The use of exchange fluid Loop materials and characteristics Use of heat exchangers Applications of the technology To learn more about standing column well design, download… Continue reading “The 4 Differences Between Geothermal Standing Column Well and Closed Loop Systems”
Geothermal Loop Design: Series vs Parallel Flow Path Analysis When designing geothermal ground loops, this is an issue that a lot of people get hung up on. Because of the advantages of, we use parallel circuits in ground loops almost exclusively in our industry. Read more to hear why. When loops are tied… Continue reading “Geothermal Loop Design: Series vs Parallel Flow Path Analysis”