Building Science

Building science is the collection of knowledge and experience that focuses on the analysis and control of the physical phenomena affecting buildings and architecture. It traditionally includes the detailed analysis of building materials and building envelope systems.

Last Chance to Enroll in ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation for Single-Family Dwellings

The ASHRAE 62.2 Ventilation for Single-Family Dwellings course begins February 20th and you have until the end of the week to enroll so don’t miss out! This is one of our top rated courses which has earned an impressive 9.1/10 rating from students. Take a look at some of the reviews:

“As an architectural engineer, certified energy […]

February 15th, 2017|Categories: Building Science, HVAC Design||

New Format for Deep Energy Retrofits by Marc Rosenbaum

We’ve just released a new version Marc Rosenbaum’s renowned Deep Energy Retrofits Course. Instead of a scheduled session which happens once a year, this course is now offered as a self-study on demand course which students can begin anytime.

We’ve replaced hand-graded assignments with quizzes and self-study work, which in turn made it possible for us […]

Building & Powering an Award-Winning Net Zero Energy Home

Can a home be beautiful, powered entirely by solar energy, use sustainable heating and cooling systems and save it’s owners roughly $3,500 a year? Why, yes it can. Just ask Joanne Coons, who built her award winning, single-family, Net Zero Energy Home in 2010. Sustainable Woman Joanne talks Net Zero standards, efficient appliances and goods, her […]

Grow Your Green Building Skillset Online — From Design to Retrofits

From building science to retrofits, energy modeling, smart homes, and beyond, HeatSpring offers a comprehensive marketplace of green building courses. Join your expert instructors for weeks of top notch technical training.

Deep Energy Retrofits – Upgrade existing residential and commercial buildings up to 45,000 square feet. From building assessment to heat and airflow calculations and beyond, you’ll […]

Deep Energy Retrofits for Historic Buildings

Historic buildings are a special case in the world of Deep Energy Retrofits, as they bring additional constraints and special structural issues to the forefront. Still, bringing a beloved (but usually energy inefficient) community building into the resource climate of the 21st century is incredibly rewarding.

In this course, designed for architects, engineers, builders, and owners/operators […]