What does ‘Zero Energy Capable’ mean?

A Zero Energy Capable designation means a project was designed, built and tested to be zero energy over the course of a year.


There is a lot of confusion on the market as to what zero energy is.

Green Home Institute is here to help.

To achieve a Zero Energy Capable Designation we have some simple guidelines that will help make your project a success and set your clients up to achieve their goals Printof zero energy living.

  1. Submit a model for a home or building using an approved energy modeling tool. The model must show a zero or negative energy usage over time or be offset by a renewable energy system calculation completed by a renewable energy professional.
  2. Build or renovate to the modeled standards and use 3rd party energy testing & inspections to ensure performance. These are specified by the chosen model in step 1.
  3. Project must be GreenStar Homes Certified to the Bronze level or an equivalent green building program*

The project will receive the zero energy capable designation logo on the certificate and be listed and featured on our website.

Check out the full FAQ, registration form and successful projects here!