Community Solar Industry in MA at Risk Due to Regulatory Changes

More and more people are interested in ‘going solar,’ but most people cannot put solar panels on their roof.
Originally published on
Imagine this: you want to go solar, get an on-site assessment, and find out that your roof is not adequate due to tree shading, direction of the roof, or age of the roof. Over […]

Blending Battery-Free and Battery Back-Up PV Systems: Free Lecture

Curious about designing dual PV systems?
Watch Christopher LaForge’s new case study, in which the Kroska Residential PV installation, (a project blending two PV system designs– Battery Free and Battery Back-up) is discussed. The Kroska installation accommodates two roof planes and types, with a design that provides great cost-effectiveness and high ascetic quality.
Enroll in “The Kroska Case Study: Solar PV […]

The Top Challenges with Technical Qualification for Commercial Solar Projects

This article will provide a snapshot of the current technical challenges that engineers and project managers face with the technical qualification of solar projects.
Project qualification is a critical part of the commercial solar sales process. It’s where sales, technical skills, and finance all overlap. From the investor due diligence perspective, there are a number of key […]