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Leaders in High Performance Building: Zero Fossil Fuels & Zero Net Energy

At HeatSpring, we celebrate innovative builders and designers who work to improve the overall quality and performance of public and residential buildings… Our Leaders in High Performance Building Giveaway was created for those who have helped plan, design, construct, and/or operate a high performance building. EntrantsContinue reading “Leaders in High Performance Building: Zero Fossil Fuels & Zero Net Energy”

Abby Thompson Abby Thompson

Solar Women Summer Series: Getting Involved with the D.O.E. SunShot Initiative

The teams at HeatSpring and are excited to kick off Solar Women Summer Series, a series of interviews featuring women who have taken HeatSpring’s solar courses and other interesting women doing important work in the solar industry. This week we feature Dr. Lidija Sekaric, Director ofContinue reading “Solar Women Summer Series: Getting Involved with the D.O.E. SunShot Initiative”

Abby Thompson Abby Thompson