While there are many benefits to in-person learning, we have found that online learning allows our instructors to dig deeper into course material at a lower cost in a way that’s more inclusive and convenient for everyone.

Here are the benefits of online learning that we’ve seen over the past several years:

  • The classroom is global. An in-person training in can only be attended by those who live nearby or can afford the cost of travel and lost time at work. Conversely, an online course can be attended by students from all over the world, and it eliminates all travel cost.
  • In-depth work. In-person workshops usually only last a day or two, so there isn’t time to really dig into the material. Our courses take place over many weeks, so students have time to complete assignments, participate in extended discussions, and apply their learning with real-world projects.
  • Convenience. Our courses are asynchronous. There’s no specific time when students need
    to be logged in. This means that everyone can follow their own schedule and complete course material at their own pace. This could be during lunch, at work, after work, on weekends, or while traveling.
  • Simplicity. All a student needs to take one of our courses is a computer, tablet, or smartphone with up-to-date browser software. All assignments are clearly organized and divided up into modules that appear on a single page. All conversations about the course material take place on an easy-to-use discussion board.

Are you ready to teach with us? Get started today!