Lessons For Succeeding in a Family Business Brian Hayden Did you know that 50% of US GDP is generated from family business? Or that 35% of the Fortune 500 are family companies? Chances are very high that you have worked with your parents, children, siblings, or spouse at some point. These businesses struggle with issues that can feel unique or strange, but they’re really not. This free white paper is intended to help solar, geothermal, or building performance contractors who are working with (or thinking about working with) a family member. It applies to any generation. Topics covered in this paper include: Keeping the business professional Respecting one another’s role The importance of family meetings and outside advisors Succession planning Fill out form. Building Science Originally posted on April 28, 2011 Written by Brian Hayden HeatSpring co-founder. You can reach me directly at bhayden @ heatspring.com or 800-393-2044 x1. More posts by Brian