Much of the learning in our courses takes place on the discussion board. We’ve found that students who actively engage on the discussion board get the most out of our courses.

Here are some general guidelines for using the discussion board:

  • Post an introduction for yourself on or before the day your session starts so your instructor and fellow students can get to know you.
  • Share your insights and knowledge with your fellow students. Our courses are meant to be collaborative rather than competitive. More information sharing benefits everyone.
  • Follow along with the discussions. This will ensure that you learn as much as possible, and it also prevents duplicate questions.
  • Post in the appropriate module on the discussion board. This helps keep the discussion organized and makes it easier for the instructor to facilitate.
  • Don’t be shy! The biggest mistake our students make is underutilizing the discussion board. It’s a great resource
  • that everyone should take full advantage of. There’s no question too simple or seemingly basic. Chances are that many other students will learn from the response to whatever you ask.