It would be great to be able to sell the latest energy and environmental features of modern commercial roofing systems, but it can be a challenge to find tools that help you quantify the benefits for your clients and customers. How much energy will the roof save – or produce? What’s the best investment in terms of service life and ROI? How will a new roof contribute to important environmental issues like urban heat islands, storm water run-off, material recycling, and many more?

The good news is nearly one dozen roofing-related calculators are available online at no charge to help you tackle these questions. And in this free lecture, Dr. Jim Hoff will review each of these calculator apps and show you how to use them.

Sustainable Roofing App

Enroll in Sustainable Roofing? There’s an App for That!

Learning Takeaways

1. Be able to identify the best sustainable roofing apps available today, including tools to estimate the savings from:

  • Increasing roof insulation levels and practices
  • Installing cool roofing systems
  • Installing rooftop solar systems
  • Installing roof daylighting
  • Reducing environmental impacts
  • Optimizing life cycle costs

2. Be able to access each of these apps AT NO CHARGE

3. Obtain the basic information you need to start using these apps in your business

About Jim Hoff

Person_medium_jim-hoff-_square_Jim Hoff is an experienced executive and researcher in the building materials industry, retiring as vice president of technology for Firestone Building Products in 2007 after 23 years of service. Dr. Hoff currently serves as Vice President, Research for the Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing in Washington, DC and as President of TEGNOS Research, Inc. a consulting organization dedicated to expanding understanding of the building envelope. Dr. Hoff holds undergraduate degrees in psychology and architectural design as well as a Masters and Doctorate in management, and he has published numerous articles on building system performance, quality management, and life cycle analysis.

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