We need more solar salespeople who truly understand the economics of C&I solar projects. So starting today – for a limited time – “Commercial Electric Tariffs: Impacts on Solar” is free for HeatSpring Members.

Matt McNearney teaches the course. Over the past 6 years, Matt has developed over 35.3 MW of solar across community solar gardens, commercial rooftops, multifamily dwellings, and residential homes. He serves on the Energy Committee for the Denver Sustainability Advisory Council and on the Board of Directors for the COSSA Institute, a nonprofit dedicated to expanding renewable energy awareness and workforce opportunities throughout the State of Colorado.

One of the coolest things about the course is that you can ask Matt questions and he will really answer them.

About the course: Commercial Electric Tariffs

Selling solar to commercial customers requires a keen understanding of how local electric tariffs affect their utility bills, because their utility bills will most certainly affect a solar system’s financials (also known as payback period).

In this quick but critically important course, HeatSpring instructor Matt McNearney uses his real-world commercial solar development experience to explain key concepts like demand charges, straight usage, and time of use tariffs. This knowledge is then applied to two case studies that show the differences between commercial rate structures and the varied impacts that each can have on solar PV systems.

This course is a must for anyone working in commercial solar sales and development.

About HeatSpring Membership

HeatSpring Membership is a bundle of learning opportunities that would otherwise cost a lot more. Here’s what you get:

  1. Extended access to paid courses. Wll of our courses come with 1-year of unlimited access. Sometimes people get busy and don’t finish, but they don’t want to pay for the class again. This is original reason we created HeatSpring membership. Now you can pay the small monthly fee for as long as you need to finish the class and get your certificate of completion.
  2. Certificates of completion for all free courses. We have lots of teams that use our free courses for learning and professional development. If earning certificates of completion help with tracking and motivation, then membership is a really affordable tool to get better results for your team.
  3. Member access to premium courses. With membership you get access to a bunch of premium courses that you would normally have to pay a lot more to take. Sometimes they carry CEUs. We try to add a new course every month to keep it fresh. Like all of our premium courses, once you’re enrolled you have a full year to take the course.

Membership is intended to lower the barrier to learning so you can make professional development a regular habit.

Membership is also available to Teams. Team discounts are applied automatically and team memberships have all of the same benefits as the individual memberships.