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Bob Caspe’s new “Entrepreneurial Strategy” course

Brian Hayden Brian Hayden

The latest course to drop on HeatSpring is called “Entrepreneurial Strategy”.

A chance to meet and learn from Bob Caspe

Bob is the best teacher I’ve ever had – he helped me see an approach to business that was both exciting and sustainable. It’s been almost 20 years since we were together at Babson. Bob is retired, and I approached him about doing this as a legacy project. We recorded about ten hours of conversation, which I edited and organized into this course. I want this to be available to anybody that needs it.

Bob teaches a way of thinking that is different. We talk about it within the lens of entrepreneurship, but it’s not just something for startups. Anybody in a business setting who wants to generate momentum and growth can use this.

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A quick disclaimer

The first time I presented my business to Bob he made fun of it and it made me mad. My ancestors are Irish and so my face got red and I wanted to punch Bob, but then I took a deep breath and actually listened to what he was telling me – and that’s the moment my mind expanded. That’s when my life changed for the better

Some people won’t like Bob’s humor. If you’re feeling connected to your business model and don’t want somebody to make fun of it, then this isn’t the right time to take this course. But if you’re willing to separate your business model from your ego, and you’re open to considering a different approach to your work then maybe you’re in the right place. Maybe Bob will change your life the way he changed mine.

If you do decide to take this course, I hope you’ll participate in the discussion. Bob’s approach is very socratic and the bulk of the value is in our back and forth. You’ll have a chance to talk about your business on a discussion board and it live sessions with me and Bob.

Free to HeatSpring Members

This is an example of a new course that was developed to be part of the HeatSpring Membership. We’re bundling some foundational non-technical courses to help you level up professionally.

Membership is a bundle of learning opportunities that would otherwise cost a lot more. Here’s what you get:

  1. Extended access to paid courses. Wll of our courses come with 1-year of unlimited access. Sometimes people get busy and don’t finish, but they don’t want to pay for the class again. This is original reason we created HeatSpring membership. Now you can pay the small monthly fee for as long as you need to finish the class and get your certificate of completion.
  2. Certificates of completion for all free courses. We have lots of teams that use our free courses for learning and professional development. If earning certificates of completion help with tracking and motivation, then membership is a really affordable tool to get better results for your team.
  3. Member access to premium courses. With membership you get access to a bunch of premium courses that you would normally have to pay a lot more to take. Sometimes they carry CEUs. We try to add a new course every month to keep it fresh. Like all of our premium courses, once you’re enrolled you have a full year to take the course.

Membership is intended to lower the barrier to learning so you can make professional development a regular habit.

Membership is also available to Teams. Team discounts are applied automatically and team memberships have all of the same benefits as the individual memberships.

Originally posted on
Brian Hayden
Written by

Brian Hayden

HeatSpring co-founder. You can reach me directly at bhayden @ or 800-393-2044 x1.

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