Building Codes, Efficiency & Passive House Principles On Existing Homes On the Passive House in the Real World (with Mike Duclos) discussion board… Takeaways: Homeowners looking to incorporate Passive House principles in existing buildings should consider getting a home energy audit. Still, after a home is built, serious energy reductions (say 50% to 90%) become very expensive.… Continue reading “Building Codes, Efficiency & Passive House Principles On Existing Homes”
Get Building Before NESEA’s BuildingEnergy NYC 2015 BuildingEnergy NYC 2015 “BuildingEnergy NYC is a rapidly growing, cross-disciplinary conference that offers practical, hands-on solutions to the financial, environmental, legal, and maintenance challenges facing NYC building owners and practitioners in every neighborhood and borough. Conceived in 2012 and nearly… Continue reading “Get Building Before NESEA’s BuildingEnergy NYC 2015”
Principles of Deep Energy Retrofits: Homes & Buildings Principles Underpinning Deep Energy Retrofits (DER) of Both Homes and Non-residential Buildings In this article, Marc Rosenbaum discusses… Examples of both Home and Non-Residential Building retrofits Upgrades to energy and mechanical systems in older buildings Heating cost and air quality… Continue reading “Principles of Deep Energy Retrofits: Homes & Buildings”
“Deep Energy Retrofits” with Marc Rosenbaum Right now, sitting in his office on Martha’s Vineyard, Marc Rosenbaum is building “Deep Energy Retrofits”, the newest Building Energy Masters Series offering. Here’s a recent update from Marc: I’m happy to report that the ten weeks of presentation powerpoints are… Continue reading ““Deep Energy Retrofits” with Marc Rosenbaum”
3+ Ways to Replace Spray Foam Insulation in Your Basement Here’s a discussion feed from one of our best-selling courses, Zero Net Energy Homes. In the discussion, one of our students asks Marc Rosenbaum for foam-free ways to retrofit her New England basement. Here are the alternatives to spray foam… Continue reading “3+ Ways to Replace Spray Foam Insulation in Your Basement”
Win a $10,000 Zero Net Energy Building Award! Think your house is the best Zero Net Energy building in the Northeast? You could win $10,000! The Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA), a membership organization with a mission to advance the adoption of sustainable energy practices in the Built Environment,… Continue reading “Win a $10,000 Zero Net Energy Building Award!”
How 30 People Learned to Design a Zero Net Energy Home Last year the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association launched a year-round ‘Masters Series’ to extend the reach of popular Building Energy Conference. Marc Rosenbaum, one of the most popular presenters at the conference, taught a Zero Net Energy Homes course –… Continue reading “How 30 People Learned to Design a Zero Net Energy Home”
“If you can’t install solar at $3.45/watt, you’re going out of business.” Straight Talk on Solar with Jigar Shah at NESEA 2012 Jigar Shah was my favorite presenter at this year’s Building Energy Conference. Mr. Shah founded SunEdison in 2003 and sold it five years later for $200 million. Here are some quotes he offered up in the “Energy Subsidies and the… Continue reading ““If you can’t install solar at $3.45/watt, you’re going out of business.” Straight Talk on Solar with Jigar Shah at NESEA 2012″