Here’s the Financial Model Chris Lord Uses to Unlock MW Solar + Storage Projects

Financial models get solar projects built. Financial models make deals happen. Financial models make owners, developers, EPCs and investors a lot of money.

So the people who build financial models are valuable. Many people understand financial models from a high level but very few can produce bankable models that close deals. This is what Chris Lord […]

Learn Financial Modeling to Win Your Next Renewable Energy Job

Learning how to build a financial model to develop large renewable energy projects is hard. Details matter. Getting one number wrong can cost millions of dollars.

That’s why learning how to develop a financial model is such a valuable skill. This is a quick story about how Jessica learned financial modeling and used it to hit […]

Interview: Financial Models and Sample Documents for Commercial Solar Projects

I recently spoke with Chris Lord and Keith Cronin about some of the financial modeling tools and sample  documents that they frequently use to teach solar professionals working on commercial projects. Chris and Keith, who co-teach our Solar Executive MBA course, first talked about the financial modeling tools, how they came to use them, and […]