Building Codes, Efficiency & Passive House Principles On Existing Homes

On the Passive House in the Real World (with Mike Duclos) discussion board… 

Homeowners looking to incorporate Passive House principles in existing buildings should consider getting a home energy audit. Still, after a home is built, serious energy reductions (say 50% to 90%) become very expensive.
Attic insulation adjustments and window treatments offer more immediate fixes toward energy efficiency.
Electricity is typically our dirtiest fuel, […]

Moisture Matters in Mastering Building Science

The following is a conversation between 4 students and Allison A. Bailes III, Ph.D. from our Mastering Building Science course. Dr. Bailes is the founder and owner of Energy Vanguard in Decatur, Georgia. His academic credentials in physics (BS, MS, MST, and Ph.D. all in that field) and his experience with hands-on green building projects […]