Veteran HeatSpring instructor and solar business expert Keith Cronin hosted a free webcast lecture Wednesday in his free course How to Get More Clients, Team Members and Profits for Your Solar Business.

The a recording of the webcast can be viewed in Keith’s free course. Click here for more information and to reserve your seat for the webcast.

A topic of discussion was the recent ITC findings regarding Suniva / SolarWorld.

With the ITC decision that a couple of US solar manufacturers were substantially injured by the industry’s pricing, this is serious.

There will be a shake up to your projects potentially that you’ve installed this year and projects you’re going to do, moving forward.

Do you have a strategic plan to pivot around this? Do you want one?

Companies and their employees could lose millions, if they’re not prepared.


About Keith Cronin

In 2011 Keith helped us develop what would become our most popular course, the Solar Executive MBA Training. He has interacted with and taught thousands of solar professionals from around the world through HeatSpring courses. In addition to teaching the Solar Executive MBA Training Keith also teaches our Solar Business Masterclass as well as several free courses, read a full bio and view all of Keith’s courses here.