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Free Lecture: How Storage Paves the Way for the Grid of the Future

Duncan Miller Duncan Miller

We are excited to announce a new free lecture by Wes Kennedy. This one hour lecture builds the case for battery energy storage systems and then discusses specific use cases for those systems. Topics include problem drivers such as climate change, intermittency of renewable sources, and problems with high penetrations of renewables on the utility grid.

Use cases discussed include back up and resiliency, self-consumption, tariff optimization and a comparison of grid vs load defection. He also discusses the grid of the future and what technologies will be needed to take this vision from concept to actual application. This short lecture broadly covers the range of topics that are driving the energy storage market place.

Instructor Wes Kennedy’s experience with battery systems dates back to 1996. Since then he’s helped design and develop innovative projects using advanced energy storage and power conditioning equipment.

You can lean more about this free course and enroll today here: How Storage Paves the Way for the Grid of the Future

To dive far deeper into the topics of solar plus storage, check out Wes Kennedy’s 9-Week online course: Comprehensive Solar Plus Storage which begins February 20th. Comprehensive Solar Plus Storage is one of HeatSpring’s most popular and best rated courses (8.7/10) and has received many glowing reviews from students.

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Duncan Miller
Written by

Duncan Miller

Duncan was a co-founder of HeatSpring and worked with instructors, students, and industry partners. In his free time, Duncan volunteers caring for trees with Friends of Trees as well as Friends of Mt. Tabor.

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