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FREE Lecture: Passive House – Less Energy and More Comfort

Abby Thompson Abby Thompson

Enroll in ‘Passive House: Less Energy and More Comfort‘ today!

In this free lecture, James Bill cites several examples of Passive Houses and the comfort and efficiency these structures provide.

Bill discusses the “FRAM” by Fridtjof Nansen (this first crew spent 3 years in the Arctic aboard a Passive House vessel), the “J Wood House” in Sebastopol, the “Volkshouse” in New Mexico, Unity College in Maine and other Passive structures in New York City, Berkeley, California, and across the United States. The building elements are compared to the protective outerwear necessary for a Mt. Everest expedition. 

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About Instructor James Bill – Licensed Architect, CPHD, LEED AP, Zero Impact Architecture

James is a licensed architect and president of Zero Impact Architecture (ZIA), a firm dedicated to integrating beauty, health, and comfort with the science of deep sustainability. He was the architect of the first newly built Passive House in California, an extremely low energy building that is also an affordable housing unit. Besides energy reduction and the impact buildings can offer in reducing climate change impacts, his sustainability interests include water reduction, reducing toxicity of materials to people and the environment, prefabricated construction, healthy indoor air quality, and all things Living Building Challenge. He is a past board member of the USGBC Redwood Empire Chapter, founding and recent Board Member of Passive House California, internationally Certified Passive House Designer, LEED Accredited Professional, MIT Master’s in Architecture recipient, an active speaker on carbon footprint reduction needs and strategies, and communication mediation expert.

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Abby Thompson
Written by

Abby Thompson

Abby is HeatSpring's Product Marketing Manager located in Boston, Massachusetts. She is passionate about people and education, particularly in diversifying the burgeoning fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Abby works with instructors to build new courses and engages with our community of students and experts through HeatSpring Magazine and social media.

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