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FREE Lecture: High Performance Building Assemblies

Abby Thompson Abby Thompson
Spend an hour learning about building assemblies with Peter Yost of BuildingGreen. Heat dries them out, so the more we manage energy flows through our building assemblies, the more we need to manage moisture on, in, and through those same assemblies. This lecture covers just how heat and moisture can move in building assemblies, how to manage both, and the tools that are available to evaluate or predict hygrothermal performance of building assemblies.
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About Peter Yost

Peter Yost is the person you turn to if you want to truly understand how to green your building. He brings more than 25 years experience in building, researching, teaching, writing, and consulting on high-performance buildings to his twin roles as Vice President of Technical Services for BuildingGreen, and technical director for Taunton Press’s His expertise stretches from construction waste management and advanced framing to energy efficiency and building durability. Peter has been called upon to provide this building-science expertise to the nation’s leading building programs, including NAHB’s Green Building Standard, USGBC’s LEED for Homes, EPA’s WaterSense, and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Building America. Peter is an instructor for Yale’s School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Boston Architectural College’s Sustainable Design Certificate program and for the University of Massachusetts Department of Building Materials and Wood Technology program in Amherst. A LEED AP, he is a past co-chair of the USGBC’s LEED for Homes program, a member of the LEED faculty, and a certified instructor for the NAHB Advanced Green Building: Building Science course. When not at his computer or teaching a class, Peter is often in the attic, basement, or inside the walls of his own 100-year-old home, which he is methodically transforming from an energy hog to a model of efficiency. In 2015, Peter was awarded the NAHB Educator of the Year.

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Abby Thompson
Written by

Abby Thompson

Abby is HeatSpring's Product Marketing Manager located in Boston, Massachusetts. She is passionate about people and education, particularly in diversifying the burgeoning fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Abby works with instructors to build new courses and engages with our community of students and experts through HeatSpring Magazine and social media.

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