About Lisa Cohn

Lisa Cohn, a regular contributor at HeatSpring Magazine, has worked as a writer for more than 20 years, focusing on energy and environment. She is a former U.S. stringer for Windpower Monthly Magazine, a former associate editor of Oregon Business and a former editor of Forest Perspectives, a quarterly magazine published by the World Forestry Center. She began her writing career as an energy and environment reporter for The Cape Cod Times. Lisa has received numerous writing awards, from the Pacific Northwest Writers Association, Willamette Writers and Associated Oregon Industries.

Learning How to Safely Fly Drones

In February 2015, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) released a list of proposed regulations that paved the way for small drones (or “unmanned aircraft systems”) to enter mainstream civil aviation. The regulations came after many close calls or accidents involving drones, including the January 26, 2015 accident when a drone crash landed on the White […]

October 30th, 2020|Categories: Drones, Solar Business Growth, Solar Design & Installation, Solar Sales & Marketing||

Are Heat Pumps a Form of Renewable Energy?

It’s common for policymakers to argue that heat pumps are not a form of renewable energy, says John Siegenthaler, instructor of HeatSpring’s Application of Air-to-Water Heat Pumps for Hydronic Heating & Cooling course.

In response to such claims, he argues that heat pumps are indeed renewable sources of energy because they draw from an untapped and […]

October 28th, 2020|Categories: Building Science, Heat Pumps, Hydronic Heating, Mechanical Engineering, Sustainable Building||

Protecting Firefighters and Solar Homes with Rapid Shutdown During Wildfire Season

When Sean White meets firefighters, he often asks what they do if they encounter solar homes during wildfires. Do they rush to protect the homes?

In the past, the answer was no, says White, instructor of HeatSpring’s 40-Hour NABCEP Advanced PV Certification and CEUs course. He’s the author of numerous books about solar and was the […]

New Standards Aim to Ensure Storage is Safe But Fail to Distinguish Among Battery Chemistries

A lithium-ion battery in a container near Phoenix owned by Arizona Public Service (APS) caught fire in April 2019, then other batteries in the container caught fire, releasing explosive gas and sparking an explosion that hurt several first responders.

Such battery fires, prompted by high temperatures resulting from mechanical failure, damage to the batteries or short […]

October 14th, 2020|Categories: Certification, NABCEP, Solar Design & Installation, Solar Plus Storage||

Democratizing Solar Energy with an ITC Refund

The solar industry is lobbying for measures to move solar energy forward during the ongoing pandemic and financial crisis–measures that could help bring solar to more people in the U.S., boost the economy and help meet greenhouse gas reduction goals.

The industry hopes Congress, in its efforts to create a new stimulus package, will pass some […]

October 14th, 2020|Categories: Certification, Solar Business Growth, Solar Finance, Solar Sales & Marketing||