About Dr. James Hoff

Jim Hoff is an experienced executive and researcher in the building materials industry, retiring as vice president of technology for Firestone Building Products in 2007 after 23 years of service. Dr. Hoff currently serves as Vice President, Research for the Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing in Washington, DC and as President of TEGNOS Research, Inc. a consulting organization dedicated to expanding understanding of the building envelope. Dr. Hoff holds undergraduate degrees in psychology and architectural design as well as a Masters and Doctorate in management, and he has published numerous articles on building system performance, quality management, and life cycle analysis.

Learn a NEW Approach to Roof Life Cycle Analysis

First published at the RCI 21st International Convention Phoenix, Arizona on March 27, 2006
Equivalent Uniform Annual Cost: A new Approach to Roof Life Cycle Analysis
INTRODUCTION: Life Cycle Cost Analysis and It’s Problems
Interest in life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) appears to be increasing among building owners and designers. Some of this attention may be attributed to a related […]

A New Energy Calculator for Roofing Professionals

For the roofing professional seeking to compare the energy-savings potential of different roofing systems, many well-designed calculators are available to help. Currently, you can find a wide variety of (mostly free) web-based calculators to evaluate almost every element of roof-related energy, including roof thermal insulation, “cool” roof surfaces, air/moisture movement, rooftop solar power, and skylight […]