If you’re getting into the solar industry, read the 16 questions that every profitable solar company can answer. It will give you a good understanding of the business strategy, sales, marketing and installation questions you must answer as a new or growing solar company. One of the elements to growth is selecting and working with a solar distributor. It’s key to have a good relationship with your distributor, especially when your company is just starting.

Here is a scenario I’ve seen before. You currently have a job, but are moonlighting as a solar contractor and are waiting to quit your current job until you can be sure you can support yourself, and your family, on solar alone. You’ve signed your first few contracts and need to establish a relationship with a distributor to get your equipment. You see solar as the future of your career so you’d like to pick a top-notch distributor. Read below to see the full article. If you felt I’ve missed something very important or have a question feel free to leave a comment or a question on HeatSpring’s facebook page.
